Chapter 1

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Unlocking my phone I opened my contact book, scrolling down I saw the

name I wanted to find- Nathan Sykes. Well, it was 'Nathan Rules!!!!!!!!!!' remind me never to let that boy have my phone again! Wait, oh. Pressing the call option I brought the phone to my ear.

'Hello?' I heard him ask groggily; well I'd just woke him up. Mind you, it was nearly 12 o'clock on a Saturday; he never woke before 1 pm when he didn't have school or work.

'Hey, it's me' I said.


'Um yeah, can you come over please?'

'Sure, I'll be five minutes' He told me, I knew he'd be longer, I'd just woke him up and it took him at least ten minutes to get ready- and that was on a lazy day. Nathan only lived two doors away so I decided to start breakfast for us both.

'Laur, I'm here!' Did I mention he liked to walk through my house as he pleased? He's been so close to see me naked a couple of times due to it.

'I'm in the kitchen!' I called, just as I put together two bacon sandwiches and a cup of tea.

'You. Are a star' Nathan said as I held up the steaming cup of tea and the bacon sarnie in front of his eyes.

'Yeah well this is mine, yours is on the side' I smirked as his face fell slightly. 'Don't forget the brown sauce!' I called as I walked into the living room.

We sat in silence watching re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S eating until we were both finished, I then set my plate down on the coffee table, turned off the TV and turned to my best friend of nearly all my life.

'What did you do that for? We were about to find out if Rachel went to London!' Nathan moaned, pointing at the now black screen.

'You already know what happens! Besides I have to tell you something' I said, sitting Indian style.

'What is it? Blue what's wrong?' A concerned look spread across his face, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as he called me Blue, it was his nickname for me since we were ten, I went through a stage where it was my favourite colour and I mean favourite. Everything I owned was blue from my clothes to almost everything in my room.

I looked down at the string bracelet on my left wrist that Nathan had given me for my birthday this year. 'Well you know how I want to work in media?' He nodded.

'W-well I've been offered a place in a college' I looked up to see his amazing grin spread across his face.

'Really, that's great!' He beamed.

'In London' I told him, we had always said that we were going to go to a college in Gloucester together so by being offered a place in this college- which had amazing facilities and a great media course, I was splitting us up essentially. For the second time in an hour his face dropped.

'W-wha-when are you leaving?' He finally spat out.

'Well today's Wednesday so Friday' I told him. I felt his hands reach out to mine and we intertwined our fingers.

'Where are you living?' Nathan asked me, I looked at our hands as I felt his eyes bore into me.

'I'm staying with Helen' Helen was my auntie and god mother who had lived in London for the past 5 years.

'Want me to help you pack?' He asked me.

'Oh so you want to get rid of me do you, well don't worry give me two days I'll be out of your hair!' I shouted loosing Nath's hands, folding my arms and turning my head sideways, only teasing of course.

'Wait no I didn't mean it like that! Hang on, oh my life I thought I'd really upset you!' Hs eyes widened as the truth dawned on him, causing me to start laughing. Nathan then launched on me using my weakness- the fact I'm ticklish, to his advantage.

'No! Nathan stop it!' I squealed, thrashing about as I tried to push him off of me. He eventually stopped, looking down on me. His left hand wandered up to my face, his fingers working their way up till they stopped and played with my hair. His fringe that I loved hung down blocking one of his eyes in my view. Nath's breathing got heavy as his face inched ever closer to mine, unconsciously I leaned up to him. Our lips were inches from each other when we heard a door open from upstairs- my parents as my sister was sleeping at a friend's house.

'Crap' He whispered as he sat back opposite on the sofa and I put the TV back on. Just then my mom came down the stairs.

'Hey you two, Laura did you tell him?' Mom asked me.

'Yeah I told him, he's gonna help me pack aren't you Nath' I prompted, kicking him in the shin.

'I will and ow that hurt!'

'Oh stop being a baby, come on' I said dragging him up from the leather settee.

It was Friday and it was time for me to leave. My parents had booked my train tickets and as a present they had upgraded me to first class as I turned 16 after college started which meant I couldn't drive. My Nan and Granddad had come to see me off and Nathan, his parents and his sister Jess had came out too.

'You have a good time, call me every day, don't do anything stupid, be polite to your auntie and teachers and' Mom rambled on.

'Mom I'm nearly sixteen not six. I'll be okay, I'll call as often as I can I'll have a good time.' I told her, giving her a hug and giving my Dad a look to drag her backwards before she glued herself to me, which he kindly did. After I'd said my goodbyes I went to get into the car.

'Laura wait' someone called, I turned to see Nathan walking briskly towards me. When he got close he brought his hands up, cupped my face and kissed me. In front of everyone.

*End of flashback*

'Laura? Hello' My boss Amy snapped me out of my dream.

'Hey, sorry I was just thinking about something.'

'Well I've got a job for you, there's a brand new band called The Wanted. They've been together officially for about three months and I want you to interview them!' She said happily.

I sat up straight, pulling my eyes away from the Apple computer that we used at work.

'Are you kidding me?' I couldn't believe my ears; I'd been working at Nova magazine for a year and I'd been doing all I could to get my name known and now I would be interviewing a group all by myself!

'I'll email you a file with their details on, make notes, and think up of some questions. You have fifteen minutes; I'll come and get you.' Amy beamed. Wait fifteen minutes! Sure enough an email popped up on my screen from Amy, I opened the attachment and quickly began reading. There were five members; Max George, Tom Parker, Jay McGuiness, Siva Kaneswaran and Nathan Sykes.

Woah woah woah, Nathan Sykes?

Could it-

No. It couldn't be.

Could it?

Could it be my best friend Nathan Sykes?


Hope you like it guys!

I start year 11 in high school tomorrow :O so it may be a little while until the new chapter is up!

Thanks for reading guys!

P.S If there is anything I can improve on during the course of this story then feel free to message me or comment with your improvements!


Lauren x

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