Chapter 14

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Nearly a week had passed since my date with Laura and I had saw her every day since then, right now I was in the studio with the lads, watching Tom record some vocals for the next album. I must have been daydreaming, again, because Siva came and sat down next to me on the dark leather sofa.

'Penny for your thoughts?' He asked me, in his thick Irish accent. 'Wait, let me guess. Laura again?' I told Siva a few days ago what I felt about her as I knew I could get advice from him. Don't get me wrong, I love the rest of the lads like they're my brothers but Siva is the one that I can turn to if I have to talk to someone.

I didn't even have to answer.

'Why don't you just tell her Nath?'

'I can't' I had been saying this every time he suggested it.

'Why not?'

'Because what if she doesn't feel the same way Seev? I've been her friend for fifteen years and we're both nearly twenty. If I tell her what if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way and then it becomes awkward and that fifteen years of friendship down the drain.'

'You never know until you try' He left me with that statement as we were all called into the recording booth.

It was coming to the end of the recording day and I currently had my back facing against the door as I listened to how the track was coming along.

'Maybe we can-' I was cut off then by two hands covering my eyes. I took the hands off my eyes and turned around to see who blinded me.


'Hey!' I smiled, I gave her a hug and I could feel the eyes of the rest of the lads on me. Especially Siva's.

'What are you doing here?' I asked once I'd let go.

'I didn't want to see just you' Oh. 'I was wondering if you all wanted to come round mine on Saturday, we can get some beers, food and TV. The girls can come too if you want' She suggested, that sounded cool.

'My aunties going away for the weekend with her bloke so I'll have the place to myself' Laur explained, the lads nodded as they thought about what she proposed.

'Sounds good' Max said. Laura stayed for about half an hour before going back to work. The lads got on the phone to the girls as we finished up the track and packed the stuff away.

'Saturday should be good eh Nath?' Tom slapped me on the back as we spoke.

'Yeah, should be great' I put a smile on my face as we all piled into the van.



I was so excited for tonight, in the past year I'd gotten a lot closer to the rest of the guys from The Wanted and Nareesha and Kelsey, I had got a couple of bean bags from my room and placed them in the living room. I checked the time and saw I had about half an hour so went upstairs to get changed. As I was my phone started buzzing, looking I saw I had a text from Jay who had attaced a picture.

I looked at the text first which said 'Its gonna be a good night!!! J x' I then looked at the picture and saw the amount of booze that was in the picure. So much for a quiet night.

Then again, life is never quiet when you're involved with The Wanted.


I walked into work the Monday after my meal with Nathan and saw people who I'd probably only spoken to once in the cafeteria smiling at me as I walked past.

My Heart Vacancyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें