Chapter 2

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Laura's P.O.V

Right Laura, calm down.

But what if he remembers me?

OF COURSE HE REMEMBERS YOU IDIOT, he kissed you infront of your families just before you left for London!

But what if he wants to, you know, get together with me?

Laura, he basically confessed his undying love to you.

Okay so maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration!

Meh, tomato tomarto.

I mentally slapped myself while I continued to stare at his name on the screen.

'Laura, how are you doing with those questions?' Amy called out of her office to me.

'Um I er... fine!' I lied. I pushed any thoughts of Nathan to the back of my mind and got to work, thinking of questions to ask them.

'You ready to go in?' Amy asked me, one hand on the door handle of the interview room.

'As ready as I'll ever be' I half smiled at her.

'Good luck, you'll do great' She said rubbing my arm.

Amy opened the door and my heart nearly dropped to my stomach. Bloody hell he's more gorgeous than I remembered!

Laura cut it out, there's four other guys here and you're working. BE PROFESSIONAL!

'Guys I'd like to introduce you to Laura, she's going to interview you today. Be nice to her' Amy joked.

'Don't worry we don't bite. Much' One of them joked, I remembered him from his photo. What was his name? Tim? Tom? Yeah that's it Tom, I soon put names to the other faces and I sat down infront of them.

'So, hey guys. Um, like Amy said I'm going to ask you some questions. So here goes' I smiled awkwardly.

'Let's do this!' The curly haired one, Jay, shouted raising his arm's up in the air. I relaxed in my seat, this was going to be fun!

45 minutes later there was a knock on the door and their manager, Jayne, poked her head round.

'Hey, its time to finish up now. We need to get to the studio.' Jayne told The Wanted.

'Well thats timing because we've just about finished' I said turning off the recorder that I put on the table.

'Alright then, thanks for having us' Max grinned. I stood up and hugged each of them in turn, Nathan was last. When I hugged him I heard him whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

'Good to see you again Blue'


Naths P.O.V

'What's up with you dude? You've looked like you've seen a ghost' Tom asked me.

'Just, remembering old memories' I told him. Truth is I was remembering every single moment from the past 17 years, well every moment that contained Laura anyway.


I sat on the living room carpet playing with the lego that mommy had given me for my birthday when I heard the someone knocking on the front door.

'Door! Door!' I shouted, getting up and running as quick as my legs would go to the door. When I got to it I jumped up repeatedly, not reaching it so I turned around so my back was to the door, folded my arms and pouted.

'Aw can Nathan not reach the door' Mommy said, coming out from the kitchen. I shook my head.

'Come here baby' She said, putting her hands under my arms, lifting me up and resting me on her hip then answered the door.

'Linda! How are you love?' Mommy said as a lady with brown hair stood outside, with a really pretty girl holding hand.

'I'm good thanks, well let me in then! Me and Laura will freeze to death out here!' She smiled.

'Sure come on in, does Laura like lego? Nathan's redecorating the front room with it at the minute'

'She loves lego, there isn't a day that goes by where you don't step on a piece. Come on love, don't be shy' Linda said to the girl, pulling her slightly in the house.

'Just drop her into the living room Linda and we'll have a cuppa in the kitchen, I'm sure they will get on fine' Mom said, putting me down on the living room floor.

'Sure' She said, putting the girl on the floor opposite me.

'Hi, I'm Nathan' I smiled at her.

'I'm Laura' She smiled back.

'You're pretty' I said to Laura, she giggled and started to play with the lego.

A while later our mom's came back into the room.

'Laura, we have to go now darling, daddy will be back soon and I have to cook dinner'

'Okay Mommy' She said, Linda and Mommy went to the front door as me and Laura stood up.

'Thanks you for playing lego with me Laura. It was fun' I said, she came up to me and kissed me on the cheek before laughing and running towards the door. I touched my cheek where she had kissed me and a massive grin came across my face!

*Flashback finished*

I was four okay? Don't judge me.


Thank you for reading guys, I know I put Demi Lovato as Laura in my character list but is there anyone that you think would suit better? I was thinking Ashley Benson maybe?

Oh and if anyone could make me a cover and send it to me? That would be fab!

Thanks guys!

Lauren xoxo

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