Chapter 4

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Dinner was fab, my auntie is such a good cook. All the women in the family were though, apart from my Nan, they had a good teacher in Granny Pierce, well she was my great gran but apparently everyone called her Gran. Anyway I had said goodbye to Chris with a sweet, sweet kiss fifteen minutes previous and was now curled up on the sofa sharing a Cadbury's Milk Tray with Helen watching EastEnders.

'So now that Syed has given Tam his savings for the Argee thingy does that mean that there's no money for his wedding?' Helen asked me, pointing to the tv.

'I think so' I replied, just then my phone went off on the coffee table. Picking it up I saw it was a message from Nathan, it read:

'Go to the McDonalds round by your work at 3pm tomorrow, I'll actually take you in there this time :P oh and I'll buy the Big Mac's'

I laughed to myself as I typed out a reply:

'As much as I appreciate it I can't tomorrow, I'm going shopping with Matt from wardrobe, sorry :('

Him: 'Ah it's okay. Is Matt gay?'

Me: ':O how did you know?! :P'

Helen then tried to peer over to see who I was texting before giving up and asking who it was.

'Nathan' I said.

'Nathan as in best friend before you moved to London?' She enquired.

'Yep' My phone then buzzed again in my hand.

Him: 'I have an awesome gaydar ;)'

Me: 'Is that because you're one yourself?'

Him: ':O how dare you!'

Me: 'Well you hardly ever had girlfriends growing up and I never found any dirty magazines underneath your mattress!'

Him: 'You used to look under my mattress?'

Me: 'I was curious okay'

Him: 'You obviously never looked at my Internet history then ;)'

Me: 'EW EW EW EW I am ending this conversation now!'

Him: 'No don't go! Things were just getting fun!'

Me: 'Aw I can almost see your bottom lip jutting out diddums ;)'

I then laughed as he sent me a picture message of his face with the puppy dog eyes and the bottom lip sticking out. That boy was mad sometimes...

We ended up speaking for the rest of the night until I heard my pillow calling me so I said goodnight to Helen and sent one final message to Nathan before getting my pyjama shorts and white vest top on and clambering into bed.

I was having a lovely sleep until I heard Helen singing in the bathroom. Don't get me wrong my auntie is a great singer and I love it when she belts out a tune but at half 9 on a Saturday morning it's not good. After a good fifteen minutes of trying to drift off again I gave up and decided to have a shower before I got ready for my shopping trip with Matt. After getting out I dried my blonde hair which I put into a bun, sliding open the doors of my built in wardrobe I decided on a cute skirt that came mid- thigh and had pattern on and a blue strapless top which matched certain elements of my bottom half which I tucked into the skirt. Picking out two pairs of sandals I couldn't decide so I went downstairs to find Helen who turned out to be in the living room tucking into a bowl of cereal.

'Which ones?' I asked, holding up both pairs and chewing my lip while she decided.

'The white ones' She said before turning back to her food.

'Thank you' I said before running upstairs again to phone Matt to ask him where he was. We never had to ask what time because he always came to pick me up because I couldn't drive yet. I wanted to focus on school and work, Chris dropped me off and picked me up every day though bless him. Today however Matt was late, he was usually here bang on half ten, it was now twenty five to eleven. I know it didn't sound very important but Matt had OCD when it came to time and schedules. He comes into work every Monday with a new list of what to do for the week. I was just putting on some perfume when the doorbell rang. Picking up my bag I went downstairs, Helen had opened the door to Matt already and they were talking in hushed whispers. When I approached them they suddenly began to talk louder. Strange.

'Hey, you ready?' Matt asked.

'Yeah I'm ready' I replied 'I'll see you later okay' I said to Helen, she nodded to me. 3 hours later and we were knackered, laden with bags we decided to stop off at a café before heading home. We were half way through our coffees when Matt's phone rang.


'Yeah that's me'

'What? When?' Worry and panic crept into his voice.

'I'll be right there'

He then put his phone down and turned to me.

'Laura I'm going to have to go, i- it's Sean. He's been in a crash, he's on the way to hospital I- I need to go to him. Now'

'Oh my god Matt. Do you want me to come with you? If not it's okay, I can phone Helen to pick me up. Right first calm down' I said to him as I swore he was going to start hyperventilating in a minute. I got up, stood in front of him, took his hands in mine and showed him the technique to slow his breathing down.

After a minute he was back to normal.

'W- will you come with me?' He asked me.

'Of course I will babe' I said, we grabbed our bags, putting enough money on the table to cover our bill and rushed to the car. When we were in the car Matt took a deep breath before driving to the hospital.

Ten minutes later we pulled up outside the hospital, jumping out we ran inside the automatic doors and to the reception desk. As Matt was still too worried I spoke to the receptionist for him.

'Sean Evans? He was in a car crash he should be on his way'

The receptionist completely ignored us and continued flicking through the magazine she was reading. Getting more and more riled up I continued to try and get her attention before Matt snapped, slamming his hand on the magazine page the woman looked up, shocked, at us to.

'I don't know what your name is and quite frankly I don't care, but what I do care about is the fact that my boyfriend has been in a car crash and currently I don't have a clue where he is so I would appreciate it if you tell me before I report your arse so fucking quick your Hawaiian sunset fake tan will run a fucking mile.' He seethed.

'I- er- s- so sorry' He mumbled as she typed something into her computer.

'He's in theatre at the minute, he lost a lot of blood and there was some broken bones. The doctor will explain more when he's out of theatre. He should be out soon, he'll be taken to intensive care so if you want you can wait up there. Sorry I can't tell you anymore.'

'Thank you' I told her, pushing Matt towards the lift. I think he was still in shock.


Thank you for reading guys!

Lauren xoxo

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