76. Cafe Chats With Zayn

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Gemma and I are on the train, chatting about fashion trends in 2013 and sipping on some warm hot chocolate with marshmallows.

We are sitting in first class and it reminds me of business class in an aeroplane. Back home in Australia, the seating is all the same. Basically, everywhere is general admission.

Everyone pays the same price and you can sit anywhere you like.

Sometimes when I was catching the train at peak hours of the day we had to stand up and hold onto the things dangling from the roof that looked like nunchucks. I really hated standing because I would always lose my balance and fall onto the person's lap who was sitting on the seat beside me.

One time I was with my sister, it was before she got with Aaron. She fancied the guy who was sitting down and he kept giving her the side eye and checking her out. She whispered to me how she thought he was cute so I did what any annoying little sister would do. I made it look like I lost my balance and bumped into her which then made her fall onto his lap.

They didn't fall in love at first sight, or even exchange numbers like they would in movies. Instead she elbowed him in the face as she fell and he gripped onto his face and said 'that's okay' when she apologised. That was the end of their love story.

It was good in a way that nothing progressed between them because now she is with Aaron. Aaron is her match made in heaven.

"Have people always been obsessed with jawlines or has it become more progressive this year?" Gemma asks me as she declines a call from an unknown number on her phone. "These people ring me the same time every day. So annoying."

"That would be annoying. And I think people have always shown interest in sharp jawlines but social media gets bigger and bigger each year. Our phones camera quality is better too so maybe sharp jawlines can be seen more than they used to."

Gemma laughs. "Who do you think has a better jawline, Harry or Zayn? I see people argue about it on Twitter all the time."

Both of them have good jawlines but I never compared the two of them. "Hmm, Zayn does have a great jawline but Harry's is sharper. Like the outer part of his jaw looks almost like a 90° angle, whereas Zayn's is more pointy."

"So you're saying that Harry's is wider?"

I nod my head and run my finger along my own jaw. "Yeah, it's really hard to put into words but I just thing Harry's stands out more. Maybe it's the cheek bones that make it like that."

"I wish I had cheekbones like my brother. He seems to have inherited all the good genetics. I could have at least got the green eyes."

I hit her hand which is placed in the table. "Hey, don't say that. You're beautiful Gem. You're so gorgeous and to be honest you and Harry look a great deal alike."

She looks up at me, a little shocked. "We don't."

"You do. I mean, come on, you even have the same dimples."

Gemma smiles and lets out a long sigh. "Harry would feel awful if he knew this but sometimes I feel like I'm a failure. I am so proud of my brother and I am by no means jealous of his success but he is out there ruling the entire world at such a young age and I only just graduated."

Harry works extremely hard but you know what, you work hard too. All of that study, attending classes, examinations, etc. That is super hard to do and not everybody has the brains or work ethic to do that so don't even feel like you are a failure."

"Come here" Gemma leans forwards and pulls me into a hug. "Whenever I am feeling down I'm going to give you a call to cheer me up."

After our hug I sarcastically flip my hair over my shoulder. "Well, I charge by the hour."

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