*10. Popcorn

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There are thousands of houses here yet I can't find a single one that I want to live in. I guess it doesn't help with most of the prices being so damn expensive. I'm only new at this whole 'celebrity' thing if you would even call me that.

Well, people do call me that but I don't feel like one.

Sure the money has been great since I got signed, but not good enough to buy a place of my own. That's why I'm looking to rent for now. Everything was so much easier when I was living with my parents. I would just go to school, come home and do my homework or hang out with my friends, eat dinner, go to bed and repeat.

It was a simple life yet it was so carefree. I close the lid of my laptop as I've had enough searching online for houses today. I look at the time on the wall and see that it's 11:30am. Harry will be here in about an hours time, depending on how kind LA traffic is to him.

"You look stressed" Rebecca says to me as she takes a seat beside me on the lounge. "Cookie?" She holds the tray out to me but I politely decline.

"I never thought finding a place in LA would be so difficult."

"It's not difficult honey, you're just picky. Like with your men."

I put the laptop on the coffee table and look at Rebecca. "What?"

She chuckles to herself. "You have high standards when it comes to choosing your home and you have high standards when it comes to choosing your men."

This girl makes me laugh. Comparing houses to men. Now that is something I haven't seen put into comparison before.

I nod my head slowly and click my fingers. "You know what, you're right."

Rebecca hums "I know."

"Wheres Jeremy today?"

"Working" she makes a fart noise with her mouth. "I have a shoot tomorrow, I shouldn't be eating these."

I give her a look as if to say 'you're kidding me right.' "Becs, you could eat ten packets of them and not gain one pound."

Rebecca laughs. "You should've let my agent sign you."

"Modelling isn't for me, I really-"

"-Want to make it as a singer. Yeah, I know. We always go through this." She puts her hand on my thigh. "You know I'm going to miss having you around when you move out. Maybe it's the man above delaying your move out for the sake of little old me being lonely."

"Let's be real, you're barely ever alone. I don't see why you and Jeremy don't just move in together."

She shakes her head. "No way. I love the guy, but moving in with someone will put too much stress on the relationship."

I'm always hearing people say that. I've never been in love, let alone lived with a boyfriend so I couldn't say how I feel about it.

I pick up my phone to see if Harry has called or texted me.

"Why do you keep looking at that thing? You waiting for a Skype call from Heather hosting a meeting or something?"

There were no calls or texts, just some Snapchat notifications. "Thankfully I only had one meeting this morning." The meeting finished earlier than I thought and I was happy to get out of there. "I'm hanging out with a friend."

"Does this friend just so happen to be yay high, dark hair, bright eyes and talks like this" she speaks with a deep voice at the end of her sentence and attempts to do a British accent too.

I laugh at her, especially at her attempt to impersonate Harry. "Yes, I'm hanging out with Harry."

Rebecca places another cookie into her mouth. "I knew it. You know you two are trending on twitter at the moment. I feel like I am finding out more about your love life from social media than from you. So come on, tell me. Have you fucked?"

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