3. Publicity

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"Where are you heading after this?" Harry asks me as he takes his previous seat beside me. He was just helping one of the crew lift a speaker into the back room and has just joined me again. 

"Home to bed."

His eyes widen. "You're tired?"

I shake my head. "Not really, I'm just a grandma. After every show almost everyone goes out to celebrate or has a few beers in someone's hotel room. I either stay for an hour or just go straight to bed."

"Come on Hayes don't be a grandma tonight, come out with us. Unless you don't feel up to it I won't pressure you into it."

"Where are we going to go?" I ask Harry and he pulls out his phone. Seconds later he holds his phone out in front of me, showing me a text message from Alexa Chung. 

Of course I know who Alexa Chung is, she is a multitalented woman. From writing, presenting, modelling and designing clothes. She is definitely a business woman. Harry must notice my surprise and he chuckles lightly. "She's a good friend of mine."

"I'm not much of a partier but I'll go just for you."

"Just for me, what a lucky guy" he stands up and then holds out his hand for me. I take his hand and he helps me up. 

My phone falls off my lap and onto the sofa as I forgot it was on me. I pick it up and hold it in my hand. "Thanks Styles. And yeah, I may not see you for another seven years so I should spend all the time with you that I can get, right?"

Harry smiles and I watch the dimples in his cheeks form. If my mum were here right now she would be nudging me, telling me how gorgeous he has become. She has always nagged me about Harry and repeatedly told me that I should try and get into contact with him. 

Whenever she would see him on the news or pop up in a Facebook ad, she would go on a trip down memory lane at all the good times we had for those three years we knew each other. 

"Trust me Hailey, I won't let that happen." He nods his head towards the door. "I've got a ride here to pick me up. You cool going like that or do you want to change?"

I look down at my grey adidas track pants and shake my head at Harry. "I don't think I will be let into any party looking like this. I have a whole rack of clothes, I'll go change."

"I'll be waiting here." Harry tells me and I nod before walking to my dressing room. Heather is inside, packing up everything and I bend down and give her a hand. "I'm glad you're in here because I was going to have to run around the place looking for you."

"Looking for me? I would have just met you in the car." She stacks the makeup and jewellery boxes on top of one another. 

Asking Heather to go out is like asking my mum to go out except the difference between my mum and my manager is I can get into legal trouble if I don't obey Heather whereas my mum would just ground me. 

"About that..." I fiddle with my fingers as I contemplate what to say to her. Heather looks up at me with a frown across her face. "I wanted to let you know that I'm going to go out tonight. To a party."

Heather stands to her feet and places her hands on her hips. "A party." She presses her lips together in a thin line. "How big?"

"I don't know, but I won't stay out too late because I know we have an an important meeting tomorrow. Please just let me go out for a few hours. I'm going with a very sensible friend who I haven't seen in so long."

"Who is she? Do I know her?" 

"Know who?"

"Your friend. If it's Rebecca then I'm saying no because that girl has trouble following her everywhere."

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