29. Something Casual

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"Now, are you sure you don't need me to come with you?" Heather asks me for the thousandth time. I brought my suitcase with me to the studio and just finished up so now I am going to straight from here to the airport.

"Heather, I promise I will be fine. It's only for three nights. Then I'll be coming back here, popping into the studio again and then flying to Australia."

Harry is still on tour so I am going to visit him. I haven't seen him since last week when he came to surprise me in Denver. It feels like forever since then, even though it has only been six days.

"That reminds me" Heather holds the door open for me as I walk through, thanking her on the way. As soon as I step outside I can smell the polluted air from the busy streets. "Martin and I are looking into getting you a body guard."

I almost fall back into a wall. "What, why?"

"Because then we will know you're safe. I worry about you being out on your own and especially now that you and Harry have been seeing each other there are more people wanting to get to you."

Sure I get papped and people ask me for photos almost everywhere I go, but I haven't been in any significant danger. "I don't think that is necessary."

She crosses her arms over her chest. "Well good thing that is up to me to decide and not you. We will discuss it in our meeting next week."

I nod. "Okay."

Norman pulls up and jumps out of the car. I hand him my suitcase and he puts it in the car. I hug Heather. "Bye Heather, don't worry too much about me."

She rolls her eyes and embraces me. "Don't get up to mischief. Try to keep a low profile please. And keep the PDA on the down low until your album comes out. Then you can show as much PDA as you like and it'll give you many more streams."

I shake my head. "Harry and I don't show PDA. And I am not going to do it just for views. If my album flops when it comes out then so be it. I am not using Harry."

"Whatever. Take care child. We will be in touch."

"Bye Heather."

I get into the car and Norman asks me if he can play 80's music today. I tell him to go ahead and decide to take a nap on the way to the airport.


I have just arrived in Chicago. It is quite humid here. I could feel it as soon as I stepped outside. It was cooler in the airport because of the air conditioning but out here it is very steamy. Considering it was very overcast in LA, the weather is definitely a lot better here today.

Texting Heather that I arrived, she texts me back almost instantly with the location of my driver.

Heather: I am going to strangle that twat. He is in a Starbucks parking lot. Jump in a taxi I will contact his company and send bad reviews.

I laugh at her text. There are plenty of taxis here so I will get one of them to Harry's hotel.

When I arrive at the hotel I know I am at the right place because there are fans outside the building with posters in their hands.

"Busy here today. I already dropped off two girls here earlier. Are you here to wait for One Direction too?"

He thinks I'm here to stalk One Direction, that's funny. "Yeah I am. I hope I get to meet them it's been a dream of mine." I say to him.

He gives me a thumbs up. "Good luck girl."

I pay him, thank him and leave the vehicle with my suitcase. I put my hat on as well as my sunglasses to try and hide my appearance the slightest. I walk as quick as I can with my head down to the sliding doors at the entrance.

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