7. Sushi Date

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"Hay, pass us the soy sauce" Ed reaches his arm across the table towards me. I pick up the soy sauce that was in the middle of me and Mark. "Thanks."

I watch as Ed drowns his sushi in the soy sauce. "Can you even taste the sushi because you put that much of the sauce on it."

Ed looks up at me and slams the soy sauce on the table but it wasn't a hard slam, just loud enough to make a noise. "Without me you wouldn't even be able to afford that sushi so why don't you shut it sweetheart."

He is only kidding but the guy has a fair point. I would probably be studying at uni right now or working at my sisters gym if I wasn't doing this. 

"Ouch, that hurt." I chuckle. "But you're right man."

"She would be able to afford her own sushi because if singing isn't the career path that Hailey chose, then she would excel in something else. Hailey is one of those people who suceed in everything. I mean, she could sell ice to the eskimos if she wanted to."

I look over at Harry and smile. "Thanks H, that was really sweet."

"I agree with Harry on this one. You are a remarkable woman. Don't take this the wrong way but I was watching you on set today and whenever there was an obstacle in the way, you would always look at the positives and do whatever you could to get over that obstacle. So you would be successful even if it wasn't for Ed because people can see that you are a great role model for young women."

I put my hand on my heart. "Aww, Mark." I pout. "You guys are way too kind. My head isn't going to fit in the room if you keep talking me up." I look at Ed. "Except you, you knobhead." He knows I'm only kidding, we call each other knobheads more than we call each other by our real names.

Ed scoffs. "I do hope you took notice of all my sarcasm, Hailey. You are incredible that is why I chose you out of all the billion other people I could have brought on tour with me."

I put my hand on his. "I know you're only kidding. You have a dry sense of humour. I've travelled half across the world with you, if I didn't get your sense of humour by now then there would be something wrong with me."

After putting the last piece of sushi in my mouth, I pick up the yellow napkin from the table and wipe my hands with it. 

"Everyone done?" Harry asks us all.

We all nod or answer affirmative. 

"Right, I'll get the bill."

"Here, I'll chip in." I dip my hand into my handbag and feel around for my wallet.

"Put your money away knobhead, you're in LA now. Get used to that superstar life, girl. You're the only celebrity I know who still has cash on her, everyone else just uses their card."

I find my wallet and pull it out. "I'm not a superstar, that's why." I hand Harry thirty dollars and he pushes my hand away. 

"Thanks, but it's cool I've got it."

"Harry, I-"

Ed takes the notes from my hands and leans forward, putting it in my bag. "Don't argue with the man. We all shout each other, it all works out in the long run."

"Boys working on his third album, he's earning enough to cover the bill for sushi, right?" Mark pats Harry on the back and winks at him. Harry laughs and continues walking towards the counter. 

We exit the sushi shop and on the way out a girl asked Harry and Ed for a photo. The second we walk through the doors, we see paparazzi get up from the seat outside.

"Ed, look over here." One of the paparazzi says. I just put my head down and turn my head away from the cameras. "What kind of sushi did you have?"

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