35. Chelsea Boots

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I got up from the lounge to get my phone and almost tripped over Harry's shoes on my way to the table. 

His shoes are lined up against the wall. Instead of cursing them, I instead just stand there and stare at his shoes. Jesus, he has so many nice shoes.

"Admiring my shoes are you?" He asks me and I nod my head. "What a shame they're not your size."

I put my foot next to the shoe. "What are you talking about? I think they'll fit me perfectly."

Harry stands up and watches me curiously. "Go on then. Try them."

I slip off my own shoes and step into Harry's boots. "Jesus your foot is huge."

He sighs "well Hailey, you know what they say about a big foot."

"Yeah, they person is often a good swimmer." I look at him to see his reaction. Harry just rolls his eyes. "I'm going to go walk over to Liam's room to see if he notices I'm wearing your boots."

"Correction, Chelsea boots. Not just ordinary boots."

"Sorry, my bad. Chelsea boots" I correct myself. "I'll be back in a sec."

Harry walks into the bathroom. "I'm going to have a shower. Tell me what happens when I get out."


Harry looks down at his shoes on my feet and laughs whilst shaking his head then walks into the bathroom.

I almost trip over my own feet as I walk out the door because these shoes are so damn big. The ends being pointy doesn't help either. When I wear pointy boots of my own I find them hard to walk in. I wonder how many times Harry has tripped over whilst wearing these.

I walk across the hall to Liam's room and knock on the timber door. He answers the door without a shirt on and I begin to wonder if this guy ever wears a shirt. 

He's the most shirtless in the band because whenever I see him 8/10 times he hasn't got a shirt on. He has a great body though, so if you've got it you flaunt it.

I wish Harry would flaunt it more. Although it's better for me because that means my eyes only. So he can wear baggy t shirts all he wants.

Everyone would have heart attacks if they got to see too much of his incredible body.

"Yo Hay, what's up?" He looks down at my feet. "Why are you wearing Styles' boots?"

If Harry were here right now he would correct him like he corrected me. They're not ordinary boots, they're Chelsea boots.

"I wanted to see how long it'd take you to notice."

Liam steps to the side. "Wanna come in?" He asks and I nod my head and walk in. I almost step on Liam's foot but thankfully didn't. I misjudged how big these shoes were once again.

"You sure you don't want to take them off now that I've seen them. You might trip over and hurt yourself."

That's when the idea comes to me. "Liam, you're a genius!"

He looks utterly confused and looks side to side. "Thanks, but what have I done to become this so called genius?"

I point to the shoes. "I know how I can get Harry back for the tarantula prank."

"By scuffing his shoes?" Liam asks.

I shake my head. "No, I won't ruin his shoes, I'd feel too bad. But what I can do is 'lose' the shoes" I make air quotes with my hands. "I'll leave them in here and tell Harry that I accidentally left them outside your room. I'll pretend to get them from outside your room and they'll be gone. He will think someone has stolen them."

Liam frowns. "Is that believable?"

"Probably not but it's worth a try. I know I should wait a couple of weeks to get him back but I'm leaving tomorrow so I need to do it ASAP."

"You could tell him you're staying for three more days then tomorrow be like I pranked you I'm going home right now actually."

I laugh at Liam. "I would feel awful doing that."

"Styles loves those shoes so either way he will be upset."

It's not real though. I would never intentionally lose something valuable to him.

"Can I hide these here?" I put the shoes under the bed.

"Sure. And if Styles comes over here asking where they are, I know nothing" he holds his hands up in surrender. "I take no part in this."

"Thanks Liam. I'll be back to get the shoes soon."

I walk back over to Harry's room. When I get there he isn't out of the shower yet. So I sit down and wait for him to get out.

Heather calls me so I answer the call and I end up being on the phone with her for half an hour.

By the time I get off the phone, Harry is dozing off next to me on the sofa. "That woman sure can talk." He says with his eyes still shut.

"You're not wrong there."

We have a discussion about what we're going to eat for dinner and then Harry stands up abruptly. "Where did you put my Chelsea boots?" He asks, looking around frantically. "They're not with all my other shoes."

Action time.

Acting calmly, I stand up and walk towards the door. "They're just outside Liam's room where I left them. It's fine they're right here" I open the door and then gasp. "What the hell."

I run over to Liam's room and Harry follows me.

"I left them right here I swear. I took them off and then looked at one thing in Liam's room. I guess I forgot to get them on my way out." I look up and down the hall. "Shit." I mutter under my breath, loud enough for him to hear me.

"What the hell Hailey?" He looks up and down the hallway. "Someone's fucking stolen them" he says between gritted teeth. "How could you forget them?" He puts his hand on his face.

"I'm so sorry Harry" I walk back to his room. "Maybe I did bring them back" I look around the room but they aren't there.

Harry stops and stares at me. I'm thinking he's found out that I'm pranking him now but I don't give anything away so I continue searching for the shoes.

Harry leaves the room and walks over to Liam's. "Where are they?" He asks Liam.

"Louis and Niall are together. Not here."

"No, not them. My Chelsea boots."

Liam eyes him suspiciously. "The clown shoes that Hailey was wearing earlier?" Harry nods. "Then you should be asking her, not me."

Harry turns around and looks at me. I quickly look down at my phone in my hands. "What are you doing? Calling my shoes to see where they are?"

I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. "I'm looking up where I can buy you another pair because I feel so bad."

I can't look at Liam otherwise I'll start laughing. Maybe I should've stayed in acting school when I was younger. Then I would be much better at this. 

"You can't buy me another pair of Chelsea boots, Hailey. Nothing can replace those."

I can't help myself, the laughter comes out and Liam then starts laughing too. "Come with me" Liam waves Harry into his room.

Harry returns with his Chelsea boots.

"I got you back good" I say to him and he ignores me and just walks straight into the room. He places his boots on the ground and sits on the sofa without a word.

I walk over and join him on the sofa. "Styles" I say his name but again, he ignores me. I move closer to him and put my arm around him. "I'm sorry for pranking you. Are you upset with me?"

Once again, silence.

 Well, I'm in shit aren't I?

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