The back of Kira's feet came off the ground like she was going to dash forward before she paused and turned her head, clearly listening to someone talk in her thoughts. "What!? Are you certain?"

Alice lowered her stance looking concerned, and Alison found herself unable to hear her girlfriend's thoughts clearly for the moment. She assumed the interferance was due to Peredite, or Aviri, but she couldn't be sure till after Kira explained.

"Why would she do something like that?" Kira asked, turning her head to look at the ground before turning around completely, and walking past Alice towards the river.

"Can you hear the conversation?" Veronica questioned, nudging Alison on the shoulder.

"No, but I'm sure with that kind of reaction she'll tell us as soon as she can." Alison explained.

Kira seemed to continue the conversation without speaking out loud anymore, before finally turning towards the others with a sigh. "Zia is coming to visit once more, this time she's already shown up without an explanation. When she arrived, Minerva was there with her trying to get her mother to leave but with no success. It seems that Agora found a way to blame Alice for Alison's birth." Kira explained.

"That's not a good thing." Veronica noted.

"No. Zia wants to see both Alison and Alice at the castle."

"Now they want me in the castle?" Alison questioned. "Isn't that really abrupt?"

"It's incredibly abrupt." Kira scoffed. "My foolish sister thinks she can make demands of us, but in reality my mother wants her gone."

"So, we're not going?" Alison asked.

"We're going, but I'd like to take all of you with us. To both prove that Alice is no longer a threat, and that Alison and I aren't capable of the evils that Zia and Agora will think we are." Kira explained. "Agora won't be at the castle, as he refuses to come at all."

"So it will be Zia and Minerva trying to decide our fate?" Alison groaned. "Can't wait."

"Rose and Luna will be there too. I can assure you that this is not how they wanted to see you after all this time."

"Yeah, I'm sure you can tell that this isn't how I want to meet your mom." Alison groaned.

"You said 'all of us'. Did you mean us too?" Veronica questioned.

"That's correct. The more people to tell Zia we're not a threat the better, and since Nightshades don't have thralls, we wouldn't be able to tilt your vote." Kira explained.

"Wouldn't she assume that I did?" Alice raised an eyebrow.

"Even if Alice would, I wouldn't be able to be swayed. Zia already knows from experience that I'm not a thrall, so she would have no reason to doubt me." Sarah explained. "Or Nodens."

"But you don't know us very well. How would you be able to attest to our personalities?" Kira raised an eyebrow.

"You're letting Alice live in your home, but you're also giving her the freedom she needs to grow and heal. You reunited her with her brother and mate, and you're allowing us to come and go as we please." Nodens explained. "We've seen all that we need to to know that if you have a child, it certainly won't be a monster. The prophecy can't be about you."

"Unless someone like Agora kidnaps the child." Alison mumbled, only loud enough for Veronica to hear, where she paused and looked to the wolf curiously.

"None of it is anything you should be worrying about in the first place." Veronica interjected. "You might not have a child for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. You're both immortal and time is something neither of you have an issue with. So there's no point in worrying about it now. You're only focus is getting Zia and Agora to fuck off and leave you both alone."

"Then we have to convince them we're not the parents of the prophetical child." Kira groaned, rubbing her forehead.

"Then I'll tell Zia about how Agora sent me to kill Luna and collect Alison twice, while he also sent his servants to the forest to do the same." Alice explained.

"What? No! That will make you out to be the villan too." Alison was honestly shocked to hear such a thing come out of Alice's mouth. She had been the villan for so long, why would she ever want to return to it now that she's had a taste of good.

"Zia can't incriminate me for my father's deeds anymore. I chose to leave him, and if I have to I'll fight my father for control over the Clan myself." Alice explained.

"You're not strong enough to beat Agora." Kira noted. "Even I don't think I'd be able to challenge him and win."

"You can't rip out a person's soul just by looking at them." Sarah noted, smiling softly. "Alice could kill Agora and be done with his murderous ways. She could take control of the Daybreaker clan and change the way they opperate."

"If I change the ways the clan works, then most of them will leave the clan and go on killing sprees. I'd have to be very careful with how I do it."

"You'll have to kill Agora and make a statement when you do. That anyone who crosses you will die." Kira explained.

"I think we've procrastinated enough. I want to meet Zia and give her a piece of my mind." Alison growled.

"Oh! One more thing." Sarah noted, holding out a small rectangular box. She opened the lid, revealing three metal rings with engravings all along their sides. "These rings are charmed to protect your clothing when you shift. This way when you change back you're not naked. I almost forgot to give them to you."

"You didn't think to give these to us before I faught?" Drake questioned picking one up and sliding it on his finger.

"Alison's murderous intent to fight Zia reminded me." Sarah shrugged.

"She's an airhead." Nodens confessed with a shrug of his own, getting Sarah to glare at him.

Jack took his own ring and Alison did the same. They both smiled at the trinket as it sat on their fingers, and thanked Sarah for the gift.

"Now I can tear Zia apart without worrying about flashing anyone." Alison confessed.

NightShade (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now