Through the air the great chimes of the bells had sounded off. Their voices carried on high and whispered out to our ears that stood far from the safety of the city. The Argonians had wrapped their arms around one another as they knew they must turn and leave to prepare for Aeydiin to inherit the title of Count from his predecessor. At those chimes my brother had cocked his head to the steeples of the chapel. His hand had prodded my shoulder causing me to look as well. I glanced to the steeples then to him as he had whispered, "... we must depart soon."

My brow lifted and I immediately protested, "... can we not stay a moment longer?"

"No," said he.

I turned my eyes towards the grave. It was hard for me to comprehend that beneath that stone lay eternally the shell of my mother. I ignored my brother's persistent gaze and asked him calmly, "... may I stay for just a moment more. I shall meet you back at the castle."

I didn't even have to look at him to understand what he was thinking. I knew he would think it was a bad idea to leave the princess alone on a hill, but he trusted me, I knew it. He sighed heavily and I could see him nodding his head from the corner of my eyes. I glanced at him as he ran his hands through his hair and his final words were, "... do not take long, Lydia."

"... I won't, brother." I reassured him.

He made his way down the path where his guards were standing and I turned back to the grave. More and likely he would at least leave one guard to keep an eye on me. I was certain. My eyes skimmed the headstone and the words graven into it and a sigh had parted my lips. Unconsciously, my feet had shuffled forward and I kneeled beside the stone slab. I minded not to the grime that would pollute my skirts. My hands had fallen to the granite and the chill ran across my palms. It had nearly frozen beneath my fingertips and as I looked upon my outspread hands I felt just like a little child again. I remembered all those times of the past where I would fall upon the cobblestone way and surrounding me I could hear my mother's voice as I sobbed, Come on, Lydia, she called enthusiastically, pick yourself up! There's no need for tears!

Just like back then, I knew there was no need for tears. Just like back then, I would pick myself up. It was what my mother would have wanted. The wind had blown by and my hands had lifted to my windbound hair soon pushing a few coiling fiery strands from my face.

"You look just like her."

I nearly had fallen backwards as I jerked my head up to see the conjurer of the voice. It had been the Nord. I thought he had left Soon I thought myself as foolish for dirtying my skirts in front of a commoner. I lifted hastily to my feet and held my head high as I spoke, "... like who?" The Nord turned his face to the grave and back. There was no need for words at this point. I turned my eyes as well and then left off an acknowledging, 'oh'.

"You must be her daughter then," his voice was harsh and rich. Not accented like the Nords of Skyrim. I turned my eyes to him to see his face. It was pale like snow with two deep cobalt eyes. His eyebrows were thick like pines of a tree and lowered over his rounded eyes. He looked more sorrowful then the others who had been here only moments before. There was something about him. Something that reminded me of the past or possibly a forgotten parable of my mother's glory.

"I am," said I with a petite nod of the head, "had you known her?"

He chuckled lightly with a smile lighting his face as he had lifted from his pocket something. I cocked my head to a side as if to get a glance but it was impossible to see what was in his grasp. His hand had blossomed like a flower in springtime and he had gazed down upon the contents of his hand before speaking, "I had known her," he had answered and soon tossed his eyes up to me. Chills ran across my spine as those eyes fell upon mine. He had stepped forward and reached his hand out to me soon presenting to me the contents of that hand. I cranked my neck and leaned over to see what was in the man's hand. My eyes widened and there I saw it.

Into Oblivionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें