Dagon shifted his eyes from his follower to the Altmer. Elizabeth cringed and backed up upon the rough barbed cage. Her breaths were rushed and she saw the great Prince sit forward and smile. How eerie it was to see such a vile man smile. "Your reputation in my realms continues, little Altmer. Tell me..." he leaned upon an armrest with narrowed eyes as his harsh eccentric voice echoed around the room, "Who are you precisely?"

The maiden licked her dried lips as she tried to conjure a voice to herself. For a few moments she stood speechless. Her eyes clenched tightly shut and she cried out in a faltering voice, "M...My name... is Elizabeth Asquerana. I was a former resident of Kvatch until... until it was destroyed." She paused while watching the ground. She knew returning her gaze to Mehrunes Dagon would petrify her even further. "I am educated in the Arcane arts of alteration, destruction, conjuration, and Restoration. M...My... my father was a teacher in the Arcane University. My mother... s-she was very... intellectually educated. She... was the one who taught me most of what I know o-of Tamerial, sir."

The stands grew silent as they listened to this mortal speak. Some Daedra had never heard or even seen an Elven woman. Many were stunned at how pale she was or even how silver her hair was. Dagon looked seemingly unimpressed. He overlooked the girl then questioned, "From what I have heard, you know much of the people and land of Tamerial. Where is your Great Champion?"

"He resides in Cloud Ruler Temple with the Blades. If... if he is not there then he will be rather going to or in one of your Oblivion gates." She had announced.

"These blades... what is there assignment?" Dagon questioned while stroking the stone of the throne with his long jagged nails.

"To protect the Emperor," said she while continuing to calm down her thrashing heart.

Broga nodded and walked to the cage soon turning back to Lord Dagon and calling up to him, "Our assassins have already gotten rid of all the Septim heirs, except his last remaining heir, Martin Septim. The Amulet of Kings is still in our possession and the grandmaster blade is still feebly wandering about trying to pinpoint an area that he might attack to hold us back from completely taking over Tamerial. Sir, if I may advise-"

"Quiet," Dagon snarled while waving him off. "I desire to hear from the Elf." Broga glanced sideways to see the pale and trembling girl. He walked back forward as Dagon questioned, "If you were in my place, Altmer, what would you do?"

Elizabeth furrowed her brow and shrugged her heavy shoulders, "I-I... I wouldn't know what to do, sir."

"Oh, come now!" Dagon chuckled loudly making the walls quiver. "Surely you must have thought about this in the last month."

The Altmer shook her head meekly keeping her eyes upon the floor. She couldn't help this Prince anymore than she already had. She couldn't allow Tamerial to fall into his hands. Mehrunes' eerie grin disappeared and he glared down upon the girl soon roaring, "... do you have any idea of what my powers are capable of, mortal?! If you do not begin to answer me you shall be suffering the same fate as your dear Xilivicus! Now tell me—WHAT YOU WOULD DO?!"

"Another Great Gate!" she cried out in fear while cowering upon the wall of the cage. "Put up another Great Gate near Cloud Ruler Temple!" Dagon leaned forward with all his attention upon the girl's words. Yes, a great gate, if it could destroy the great Kvatch it could destroy all of Tamerial. Tears clouded her eyes and she slid down the side of the cage with a sob, "P-Please... just let me g-go. There's nothing... m-more I can tell you that you don't already know."

Mehrunes leaned back upon his throne with some consideration. The guardsmen and high councilors waited for his words. Dagon nodded and then called out, "Kynmarcher Xion." The Assassin stood from the stands and waited for orders. The Daedric Prince glanced over and said, "Compile the mages and plan out the establishment of a Great Gate near Cloud Ruler Temple. I want a foolproof plan by Tamerial's Sunrise. As for the rest of you, prepare for battle! Within the next month Tamerial shall be mine at last!"

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