Faraway, many miles from Anvil near a Daedric shrine, three women kneeled in front of a shrine for their nightly devotions. Rona, a Redguard woman, lit the candles upon the shrine to illuminate their Daedric Prince. Just as they kneeled to worship; there was a clamor in the bushes behind them. Rona's eyes widened and she quickly pushed herself up onto her feet. Her tan hand wrapped around the hilt of a dagger as she called out to the intruder, "Hello? Whose there?"

A massive black and crimson spider-like body crawled from the undergrowth. The three Cyrodiilic women stood in awe as a Spider Daedra walked calmly before them. Her silver eyes narrowed tiredly as she approached the primeval memorial. The three women quickly moved from her way as she stopped in front of the shrine, within her hands a small crimson wrapped item. What the cloth was wrapped about, the worshippers did not know. The Daedra turned her head and purred gently, "Will you please give me a moment of privacy?"

The women bowed before their superior. Their voices trembling and hearts racing in their chests as a true follower of Mephala stood before them! They rushed off into the darkness allowing the Daedra to be at the shrine completely alone. The Spider Daedra's soft gentle hands unwrapped the cloth and her eyes gazed down upon the Nightshade. She lifted it and placed it upon the shrine with vigilant hands. A hissing voice surrounded the shrine and the Daedric Prince, Mephala, called out to its loyal follower, "... how long has it been since we have spoken, Velthada? Surely what has seemed like eons."

The Daedra bowed her head allowing some silver strands of hair to fall into her face, "I have fully infiltrated Mehrunes Dagon's plane, my prince. Your plans are working according to plan."

There was a dark chuckle and the echoing voice questioned, "... and where is the mortal?"

"Alive... and residing in Anvil." Velthada's glimmering eyes lifted up to the shrine. "It... it seems we may have a small dilemma, my liege."

The voice growled and snarled lightly, "And what is that, my follower?"

"It... it seems that the Commander of Kvatch's Oblivion gate has... fallen in love with the mortal as well." She said hesitantly.

Mephala chuckled and Velthada was surprised to hear the Prince so thrilled about this. "My, my, my!" The Daedric Prince cried out, "What a web we have weaved, Velthada! This certain affair highly intrigues me! Far much more amusing than that Bleaker's Way matter that a follower of mine had done for me."

Velthada bowed lowly and called up to her Lord, "I am pleased that you are so delighted by this, my Prince. What shall I do for you now?"

"So persistent! I am satisfied with that as well. Go forth, summon my brothers and sisters. I believe that I may need their abilities in this matter."

"As you say," Velthada bowed and quickly lifted her hand. A black orb appeared in her palm and slowly encased her body. The black cyclone engulfed her and the Spider Daedra disappeared wholly.

A guard walked across the pathway over the walls of Anvil. His eyes closing slightly as weariness loomed over him and he wished nothing more than to return to the barracks and to sleep. Suddenly, a soft clinking noise was heard from the darkness. The guard froze in his spot and glanced off into the wilderness. His eyes strained as he could hardly see anything. The moon was murdered in the sky by black storm clouds and everything seemed dead. The guard shook his head and quickly took off of his belt a virgin torch. As he pulled it from its package, the rough wrap struck upon the torch and lit it. The guard held the torch up and just as he did he saw a Dremora crouching on the ledge of the wall with narrowed crimson eyes.

Broga sneered as his hand thrusted through the air and snatched the guardsman by the throat. The guard's grip came loose and the torch fell to the floor as Broga stepped off the ledge and loomed over the man like a fortress. He lifted him a few feet into the air bringing him to his eyelevel. The guard's pupils disappeared in a sea of brown and as he struggled to call out for help, Broga curled and twisted his hand. There was a loud and sickening snap and the Anvil guard became lifeless. The Commander looked over the ledge and tossed the body over the wall watching it plummet into the darkness. Broga shoved his foot over the torch, stomping out the flame.

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