All the men chuckled and a Clannfear was sent out. They watched the portal and could hardly see the guards leap out of their skins as they all rushed forward to kill it. The Daedra were rolling in laughter as they watched. Xilivicus furrowed his brow and watched as the Clannfear leap upon a soldier and shredded him into pieces. Blood burst into the air and stained the ground and the Clannfear itself who was quickly slaughtered by another guard.

The Kynmarchers and Kynval quickly dissipated as they became bored and knew if they didn't return to their duties then it would be them who were shredded to pieces. Xilivicus walked back to Elizabeth and looked up. "... Kvatch guards are attempting to protect Tamerial..." he told her before she even got to ask. "There are only five or so left."

Elizabeth's shoulders slumped as she stood before him in disbelief. All that was left of her city was a few guards? ... No, it couldn't be true. She glanced off and looked up to her tower where they were headed. She nodded and quietly began walking down the path. Xilivicus's shoulders slumped as he watched her. How awful it must have been to see her beautiful and marvelous world burn to ashes. He wished she never had to see this. As they walked across the bridge, calls echoed out behind them.

These calls... they weren't Daedric.

"... By the Nine Divines!" A guard exclaimed.

"Look—the Tower!" another guard called out while pointing his sword up to the massive Black Death chamber that loomed within the bloody sky.

Elizabeth swirled around and she called out the guards, "Donovan... Barkus...!"

The guards looked forward and saw the High Elf. They nearly dropped their swords as they called out, "Miss Asquerana?!"

Xilivicus cursed and grabbed Elizabeth's hand, "Hurry, into the tower!"

Elizabeth glared up at him, "My friends! I want to-"

Before she could even say another word Clannfear ran around the corner and attacked them. Elizabeth gasped and tried running to them to help but Xilivicus wrapped his arms around her stomach and lifted her into the air, "No! You go over there and the Clannfear will kill you too!"

Elizabeth's eyes swelled with tears as she watched the gates slowly begin to close upon what was left of her townspeople, " no, please! S-Stop!"

Xilivicus swirled her around and picked her up into his arms, taking her to the tower. His eyes came to a few Kynval and he boomed out to them, "Go into the west tower! Make sure that gate remains closed! In the astounding chance that they can fight off those Daedra, make sure that Kynmarcher are at each inch of this tower, do you understand?!" His voice demanding and harsh like it had been such a long time ago when he was a Prince.

The Kynval saluted to him and quickly rushed off. The Churl turned back to his tower and quickly rushed inside. His heart began beating as he thought to himself; how did the guards get in here? I thought we had enough scamps and Clannfear out there to preoccupy them. They won't last long out there. But precautions must be taken in case anything happens.

Elizabeth wrapped her arms even tighter around Xilivicus's neck. She was angered at him for taking her away from her people; yet, she was grateful that he stopped her. Gods know what could have happened to her! She sniffled even more and looked up to the Dremora as he carried her quickly up the ramps. As they came to the top he walked over to her pallet and placed her down gently. "Are you alright?" He questioned. "Understand that what I did was for the best interests of you."

"I-I know..." she stammered while wiping her eyes.

Xilivicus put his index finger under her chin and his thumb under her lips. He tilted her head up and looked into her eyes. "I promise I won't let anything happened to you."

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