Elizabeth pulled the freezing robe even tighter to her body as she attempted to block out the artic rain that pierced her like needles falling from the sky. Her skin turned to ice and she could hardly see through a grey mist. The chapel came nearer and Elizabeth quickly ran and climbed onto the broken steeple. Her soft padded feet slipped across wet slabs and she nearly fell. Her fingertips dug into nooks and crannies as she pulled herself up with a strength she did not know she had possessed.

Broga watched her climb and as he neared her crouched down lowly and steadied himself. All his muscles contracted and he soon leapt through the air and landed upon the climax of the mountain of chapel rubble. He landed gracefully with the sword clenched tightly in hand. His wicked black hair came loose from its bound and whipped through the air. Droplets of water rolled down his cheeks and licked away the blood that by now had vanished. His eyes pierced through the darkness and as Elizabeth rose to his level he lifted his heavy sword into the air to strike her down.

The maiden lifted her eyes in time to see the sword coming down to break apart her skull like firewood. She lunged to the left side of Broga and as the sword fell it dug through the stone and got caught. Broga snarled as he pulled and pulled attempting to free the blade. His eyes tossed behind him as Elizabeth stumbled down the wreckage. Finally, he had freed the rapier and leapt off the ruins and bellowed to the Fire Atronachs and Daedroth, "Don't let her escape Kvatch! Kill her and it shall be your head mounted upon my wall!"

A few Fire Atronachs watched her run, their bodies soon thrusting through the air after her. The Daedroth shook their giant heads, sending a spray of water flying as they readied themselves to confront her. Elizabeth gasped as she ducked and an Atronach flew over her, attempting to tackle her down. A Daedroth swung at her and its jagged ebon claws pierced her face. She nearly fell at the collision. Stinging tears came to her eyes as droplets of blood formed and quickly rolled down her face.

How foolish it was of her to run. She should have abided to Broga's demand and let him have her. It would be so much better then having to run for her life. Her heart raced within her chest with the power of an army marching into battle. If not for her mind attempting to calm her, her heart would rip her chest apart. As she ran to the Kvatch gate she knew that glancing back would completely petrify her. She was certain that Broga would send all of Oblivion after her. As she ran from the main gate she saw a horde of Daedra standing outside the gate. Immediately, they had turned to her. Swords were quickly drawn and she knew there was no where else to run... except...

Her eyes fell upon the Oblivion gate. Her options was to charge through the Daedra and possibly die, hold up her white flag and let Broga have her, or run even farther into Oblivion praying that there would be a way out of this mess. All of her options seemed absolutely futile; nonetheless, she could not easily give up.

"I said, 'Get her', you fools!" Broga boomed from within Kvatch.

Elizabeth clutched her robes and dashed through the Oblivion portal, soon disappearing from Tamerial for the second time.

The planes of Oblivion held silence for the first time in a long time. Xilivicus walked down the great tower steps as he raved on within his mind. His head was throbbing and his heart seemed colder than it had ever been before. The necklace was still grasped within his clutches as he walked further down the lonely path. That incompetent foolish Elf. He had snarled in his head. Who does she think she is? A High and Mighty god? She may be human but that does not mean her race is greater than my own. In the back of his mind he could hear Dibella whispering to him. Her soothing voice calmed his nerves slightly as she said, "Love to be loved. Give something to receive something in return. Sometimes you must be the first one to make a move."

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