Broga chuckled and his lips came agape slightly to flaunt his jagged teeth, "The Elves never cease to astound me."

"What about the Orcs whose skin is as green as jealously? Or maybe the Argonians who shriek when you pull off their scales one... by... one...?"

The Prince snorted and took another drink. He had consumed much alcohol; however, he did not fear becoming drunk. He knew how much was too much. He had drunk enough to hold a resistance to becoming intoxicated completely. "Those creatures are fun to torture. Orcs are good slaves in battles, Imperials are the worst of them all... but the Elves hold so much for us that we could use to finally capture Tamerial for ourselves."

The Spider Daedra's eyebrows lifted, her black lips pouting as she considered this, "Yes, the Elves are the longest line of the races and they do possess an almost infinite knowledge of everything... but-"

"—but?" questioned Broga with a snarl and narrowed crimson eyes.

The Spider Daedra watched his anger consume his entire body. She softly retreated to the door. As she did this she had muttered, "Oh, it is nothing to worry about, sir." She scampered down the hall just as Xilivicus and Elizabeth had arrived.

The Elf walked faster and soon caught up with her escort. Her petite cold fingers touched his shoulder and she could automatically feel a burst of heat. She gasped and recoiled her hand in surprise. The Dremora turned and looked at her, "... what?"

"I...I..." she lost her train of thought.

He slowly narrowed his eyes and sighed. As he was about to move forward he saw a glitter of gold dangling down from her neck. His curious eyes fell down to her neckline where his necklace was. Immediately, he had frozen. His muscles began to tense as he thought back to the living quarters and how he had forgotten to put the necklace away. "... why are you wearing that?" He wheezed.

"Wearing what?" She questioned; unknowingly.

He moved forward and she stepped back. They acted as positive magnets and each time he stepped closer to her she was repelled. He finally seized her and pushed her upon the wall. His firm hands grasping tightly upon her upper arms where he felt barely any muscle. She winced and he leaned particularly close. His slit pupils turned to hardly a line as he saw the flower of Dibella and the golden rope of Mara. She couldn't possibly have noticed the trinkets given to him by the Goddesses. "Remove it," he demanded harshly.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized what he was talking about; the robe! Her cheeks inflamed and she glanced away, "Right here?!"

One of his hands pulled away from her arm and seized her jaw soon turning it back to him. Their faces were closer then they ever have been before. "Remove it now or I shall rip it from you!" He snarled.

Elizabeth turned a brighter red as she felt his hot breath rush down her soft slender neck. His burly body practically pressed against hers as he demanded for her to remove her robe! How disgraceful! How barbaric! How... alluring...

Xilivicus glared heavily at her. His eyes were ripping through her skin and tearing apart her eternal soul. His hands reached around her and pulled her even closer. Elizabeth gasped softly as she felt his body form over hers. Her brow rose as she could smell his personal aroma which smelt of a fresh breeze and a hint of lettuce. For once in her life she had felt another's heart beat into her own chest. Her eyes fluttered and she felt his long fingernails scratch into the back of her neck. She sighed and suddenly he shoved her backwards. She hit the wall relentlessly and coughed a little seeing the necklace hanging from one of his fists.

She blinked wildly then realized that was what he was talking about the entire time. A wave of stupidity rushed over her and the Dremora growled, "If I catch you wearing this again I shall go against Broga's orders and kill you myself."

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