The High Elf sighed deeply and looked up into the helmet. She didn't expect his face to be pretty under that helmet. Possibly that was why they wore it everywhere they went. "So," she began, hoping he was unlike the other Daedra, "which tower shall it be then?"

His helmet tilted back as he looked up at one tower at a time. His eyes lingered for a while as though he was studying each establishment trying to figure out which was the better one. He finally gave her arm a light tug and then he had demanded, "Follow me."

Xilivicus stalked away towards the right tower, his grasp on Elizabeth never ceasing.

As the doors slid back into the walls like plates, Elizabeth had snarled, "You should know by now that I am not going to run. It would be a trip made in vain."

"I'm not taking any chances," he retorted while walking to a great lever that was built into the wall. He grasped it and pulled it down.

There were series of loud clanks and a large circular body smashing platform began to rise. Before it got too high, Xilivicus stepped upon it, dragging Elizabeth behind him. He glanced sideways out of his helmet, overlooking her features. He had never seen a High Elf before... he hadn't even seen a mortal before. Yes, there were a few sacrificial Mythic Dawn members but they were always killed before he could ever speak with one.

The platform rose to the second level then leisurely slowed then stopped. Xilivicus then stepped off and began his way up a spiraling limestone incline that circled all the way up to the top of the tower. Elizabeth became winded after the third or forth spiral. Her hand pressed upon her chest as it became harder to breathe. Aside from the fact that she had never really been an athletic person, she was wearing her royal uniform which happened to include a corset and slick leather sandals.

Her breathing became harsh and she would inquire for her escort to carry her; however, she was sure that the Daedra were not that sensible or caring enough and would be delighted to watch her climb the rest of the tower in torture. Xilivicus had slowed and he glanced back at her with bothered eyes. He heard her raspy breathing a few steps back. He pursed his lips then inquired, "... what's wrong with you?"

Elizabeth's narrowed eyes elevated to him and she wheezed, "I... just never have... climbed this far before. I'm just feeling... a-a little faint."

The Churl groaned with aggravation as he looked forward. "I shouldn't worry about you leaving, should I? You'd fall dead before you even got to run down these ramps," he turned around and bent low. Elizabeth gave him a wary glance and in a matter of seconds she was literally swept off her feet. She nearly screamed as he picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He scoffed and said, "Don't get used to this, Altmer. I just... can't have you dying before the interrogation with Broga."

Elizabeth's fingertips dug into his armor and her eyes grew to the size of grand soul gems as she could see over the edge of the ramp down, down, down to the bloodied spikes protruding out of the ground floor below. Oh my... she had whispered to herself. Xilivicus moved on and soon they were at the top. Upon the top level there was a cage made out of black charred bones and menacing red curled spikes. The Daedra placed Elizabeth down and walked over to a lever. He gave it a great jerk and the cage door flew open. "Get inside," he demanded.

Elizabeth walked inside the cage and watched as the door swung up from the ground and closed in on her. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as the reality of the situation was beginning to hit her.

She was in Oblivion.

She was a hostage.

Her home... destroyed.

Her family... gone.

How in the world was she to escape from this one? Her father's money couldn't get her away from this, her mother's looks wouldn't alter Broga's mind either and she was certain that no one was going to barge in and save her like a knight in shining armor.

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