Chapter 11

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- Keep Me In Your Dreams -

"Sometimes dreams come true.
But sometimes people forget
Nightmares are dreams


When it was reaching eleven at night and Daylan still hadn't returned, Absitee took her pacing to a marathon level as she burned tracks into the carpet.

The moment Christine had walked through the doors at seven, Daylan walked right out muttering German curses.

Under different circumstances, Absitee would've taken the time to admire the Germanic dialect and raspy, sharp accent, but there was no time for that.

"Really Absitee, you don't have to worry. Daylan always comes back." Christine has been trying to reassure the frowzy girl for an hour but nothing was working.

Yes, Absitee had noticed Daylan's disappearing acts, but she couldn't help but feel like this time was different. He was trying to get away instead of trying to accomplish a purpose. There is a difference between running to get away or running towards a goal.

In an anxious, desperate last resort, Absitee finally messaged Daylan's two friends via Snapchat. And who said social media isn't useful?

Fifteen minutes later, a frantic Devin Devore and Jackson Romero entered the Everly Estate.

"Tell us everything." Jackson demanded as they sat down.

Absitee squirmed under their intense gazes. She didn't feel like sharing Daylan's breakdown in the car... but if it helped...

"We went to the funeral earlier today. He was just in an awful mood and then he just kind of broke down in the car. After that, he left mumbling German curses - or at least I think it is German - as soon as Christine arrived."

"It sounds like another episode." Jackson commented.

"He only ever runs off to one place." Devin added.

"So I shouldn't worry?" This caused the two boys to glance at each other momentarily. They shared a private conversation through twitchy eyes and flexed fingers until Devin spoke up.

"That's undecided. No one really knows what Daylan will see."

They said see not do. They were treating this situation unlike the other episodes Absitee had heard of. Instead of violent, this one just seemed chaotic.


"There are two types to Daylan's episodes. They're either momentary, destructive outbursts or hallucinations. We can never get him to talk about the details, but sometimes I think it's scarier than when he's playing darts with the knives. It's sad seeing someone normally so strong and composed break down to the game of their mind."

Absitee nodded. Once again, it reminded her of the orphanage with crying kids calling out for their parents or just love and attention in general.

Devin and Jackson had been trying to get a hold of Daylan also. Supposedly he never disappeared this late into the night, normally arriving back around ten emotionally spent and exhausted.

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