Chapter 19

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Jessica's POV

I sat down on the dining table with my cereal in hand. Everyone aside from Max was already there, sitting in silence.

"Can we talk about what happened yesterday?" asked Luke all of the sudden.

"Yeah, like what the hell was that yesterday?" Emma asked.

"We were obviously attacked," Sam said.

"Yes, but who attacked us?" Anna asked.

We all stayed quiet.

"The things that attacked you," someone said and we all looked at the door to see Sensei. "Are called Smokers."

One laugh could be heard and that was Ben's.

We all looked at my cousin, who was laughing his butt off.

"S-Smokers," he said between breaths. "W-Why-"

"Anyway," Sam spoke, trying his best to ignore Ben. "What exactly are they?"

"They are mythical creatures that exited long long ago," Wu said, walking towards the table. "Their powers are unexplainable and could be summoned only through the Sword of Tang."

"The Sword of who?" I asked.

"Tang was a man from another realm. He was the one who created the Smokers," Wu said. "When he died, his son hid the sword somewhere where no one would find it."

"Or at least he thought they wouldn't, because, apparently, it's been found," Ben said, finally calmed down.

"That is correct," Wu nodded. "Unfortunately we do not know who had managed to find it and that will be our priority."

"Wait, what about our parents?" Luke asked.

"If we find the master of the Sword of Tang, we will find your parents as well." Wu told us and with that walked away.

I looked at the others, who looked as annoyed as I felt.

"Honestly, being a Ninja is hard," Ben complained. "How did our parents do it for so long?"

Max's POV

"-and then the imposter jumped on me, managed to beat me and I fell unconscious, waking up here." I finished my story.

"Someone went through our house," Nya said all of the sudden.

"Nya, now is not the time," Kai said.

"I don't mean that, I don't care if the house was destroyed," Nya fired back. "What if the person had found what they were looking for?"

"But they didn't," I assured Nya. "As you can see, I'm here and I've got my powers, even though I'm not really sure how to use them yet."

"Ah, but you wouldn't have them for long, boy," the guy from earlier said, coming back into the massive room.

"What do you mean?" I asked, standing up from my sitting position.

"Hey, don't you dare touch my son!" Mom yelled from her cell. She looked outraged.

"And what can you do about it, Phantom Ninja?" the guy asked. "Or should I say ex-Phantom Ninja?" he mocked.

If looks could kill, my mom would've had him murdered in seconds.

The mysterious guy looked at me. "Now, boy," he said and looked back at two of his minions. He clicked his fingers and a few bars from my cell disappeared.

A ball chain appeared in one of the minions's hands. He walked towards the cell and towards me.

It happened in the blink of an eye. He came in, put the chain on my leg, went out and the bars appeared again, preventing me from trying to run.

"Hey, what the hell man!" I protested. "I'm already in a cell where I can't use my powers!"

"But when we take you out, you would be," the guy in the cloak said. "That will prevent you from using them."

With that, he turned on his heel and walked back out, the doors sealing shut behind him and the two minions.

"What is going to happen?" I asked, looking at my dad, who was directly in front of me.

He looked at the people around him in worry, then back at me. "They're gonna take your powers."

I know, I know, I haven't updated in so long and this chapter is super short. I just watched Ninja since a while and just felt like writing Ninjago. It's 2:26 am rn and I'm probably not gonna sleep so I might be able to write a few chapters. Hope you liked it, at least a bit? I'm

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