Chapter 1

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Jessica's POV
Today, the summer officially ends. Today, we grab the books and pens again and go back to school.

Me and Sam went out of the car, saying bye to mom and dad. Since the school is on their way to work, they are driving us because we are too lazy.

We walked towards the school and saw all of our friends waiting for us.

"Hey guys."Sam said and fist pumped Max.

After everyone greeted each other, I asked."You ready for the new school year?"

"Nope."Max said and I smiled at him. He smiled back and I blushed a little. Emma eyed me knowingly, smirking. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around hers.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late!"I said and everyone walked inside.

I walked to my locker and opened it. I breathed it's scent in. I don't know why, but it smells like Vanilla. It may be from the perfume I keep inside.

Someone opened a locker next to me and I looked towards them. It was Max.

"What do you have first period?"he asked.

"Wait a second,"I told him and took my schedule out."Umm...English."I told him.

"Nice. I have Biology. Amazing way to start the school year!"Max said fake cheering and I giggled.

Another locker was opened on my other side. I turned around and looked at the person. It was a boy, probably my age. He has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked attractive.

"Umm...may I ask who are you?"I asked and the boy turned to me, rising an eyebrow."I-I mean, I just haven't seen you around before."I told him.

He nodded and gave a small smile."It's alright. My name is Tobias. I am new here."he told me, extending his arm out. I took it and shook.

"Jessica. Nice to meet you."I said with a small smile on my lips.

"May I ask which year are you? Sorry, I am lost and need some help."he told me.

"I am a sophomore."I told him.

"Great!"he said."I am a sophomore too. Mind helping me around today? I have no clue wheee anything is."he told me.

"Of course! Which class do you have?"I asked.

"English."answered Tobias.

"Perfect! I have that too!"I said.

Suddenly, I heard a coach behind me and saw Max standing behind me. He was eyeing the boy up and down, arms crossed against his chest, his expression wasn't happy.

"Oh! That's Max, one of my best friends."I introduced them.

Tobias smiled and extended his hand out."Tobias."he said. Max looked at his hand, but didn't move a muscle. Tobias put his hand down.

We stayed in awkward silence, until I broke it."Alright! Let's go to class, shall we?"I asked.

"Yeah, we better."Max said, death glaring at Tobias. What's wrong with him?

Max's POV
As I walked with Jessica and this Tobias boy, the two didn't stop talking.

When we arrived in front of their classroom and bid goodbyes, I walked to my classroom. Sam was already there, looking at his phone.

The seat next to him was free, I guess he saved it for me, so I slipped in it.

Sam looked away from his phone and up at me."Where were you?"he asked.

"I went to my locker and then me and Jess talked, then there was this guy Tobias and then they talked, and then I wanted to walk Jessica to class, but Tobias came along and the two didn't stop talking! I don't think they knew I was with them!"I complained and groaned at the end.

"So, I get that you don't like this boy?"Sam asked.

"Yes. In fact, I hate him! There is something suspicious about him! He's being too nice!"I told him.

"Max, I think I know what's wrong."Sam said and I looked at him.

"What?"I asked.

"You're jealous."Sam said and my mouth went in a 'o' shape.

"Am not!"I said.

"Are too!"Sam said.

I hit my head in the table and sighed."I so am."I mumbled, but I think Sam heard me, because he snickered.

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