Chapter Four ~ Roman

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It took them almost an hour to get all of Roman's things into the apartment. Roman chattered away about every little thing and Logan seemed content to just listen to him talk.

"I don't know about you, Specs, but this is a new chapter of my life and I am so happy for it to begin." Roman dropped onto the couch, draping an arm over his eyes. "But I definitely need a break before getting things into my room."

Logan cleared his throat as he sat down. "I would like to bring one thing up, Roman-"

The intercom buzzed. Logan crossed the room and answered it.

"Hey, it's Patton! I don't have a ton of stuff, just what's in the back of my car, and my other things are being delivered tomorrow!"

"We will be down momentarily."

Roman hopped up and Logan cast him a slightly sarcastic smile. "Thought you needed a break."

"Oh hush." Roman grinned at him. "I want to meet my new roommate!"

"You know, the term roommate does not quite fit us in this apartment." Logan commented as he led the way out of the apartment again.

Downstairs they could see Patton bouncing excitedly outside the glass door. Seeing Logan, he beamed and waved vigorously.

"Oh. My. God he is adorable!" Roman cooed. Logan rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Hi! Are you Roman? You must be- I'm Patton by the way! It's so great to meet you!"

Roman eagerly grabbed the hand offered him and pulled Patton into a hug. The shorter man giggled and hugged him back.

"You are gorgeous, you know that?" Roman grinned as he stepped away from the hug. "I work with makeup for a living- your cheekbones are fantastic! You have to let me do your makeup sometime, okay?"

"Sure!" Patton nodded, laughing.

Roman turned to Logan, spreading his arms. "See? You thought we wouldn't get along."

"Patton was not the roommate I was worried about." Logan cast their third member a significant glance. Roman saw how Patton's eyes widened, but didn't say anything about it.

"Lets get your things into the apartment, Pat - do you mind if I call you that?" Patton shrugged, laughing, and Roman continued. "Lets get your things inside and then we can get to know each other a little better."

Logan cleared his throat, recapturing the others' attention. "Patton, I thought Virgil was going to be coming with you?"

Patton shook his head. "He had to work. He'll be here later... and he might just have an overnight bag and a couple blankets. I don't know what he's going to be able to get in tonight."

Logan nodded and Roman raised his eyebrows. "You said his name was Virgil?"


"Interesting name."

"Well, Roman," Logan adjusted his glasses. "I do believe that of the four of us, I have the most... common name. Patton's being second."

Roman placed a hand on his chest, faking offense. "My name is normal!"

Logan just raised his eyebrows. It was a very smug look, but Roman really wasn't sure it was intentional or not. He huffed dramatically. "Fine, maybe it's not."

"It's a fun name though!" Patton interjected. "Like a prince's!"

"Funny you should mention princes." Roman grinned, reaching into his pocket. He knew he had at least one business card on him, and all of his socials were some variation of Princey_MUA.

Patton giggled at the golden crown embossed in the center of the lace-edged card. "That's so pretty!"

"Gotta match its owner." Roman winked.

Logan tapped a knuckle on the bar of the lobby door. "We should to get Patton's things inside."

"Oh, right right. Let's do that."

{Hey look it's a LONG author's note... So here's my height (and age) headcanons:

Virgil (24) - 6'2 (he slouches a LOT, most people don't notice how tall he actually is)

Roman (27) and Remy (29) - 5'11

Patton (28 almost) and Deceit (22) - 5'10

Logan (28) - 5'8

Emile (29) - 5'6

So there was a thing that floated around after the behind the scenes for Learning New Things About Ourselves, where Virgil and Logan are standing in the same area and there's quite a height difference. I'm aware there's a step there but the fandom ran with that image. That's not the reason for my height choices (but I won't lie it was a bit of an influence).

MY reasoning for this is 1. Low voice usually means bigger person (Virge's height) 2. Short Logan makes me chuckle (side note wHY does my computer autocorrect Logan to Analog... yeah that'll probably be a nickname later) 3. height differences are just FUN. And no Remy and Emile are not sides obviously but in fics like this they're easy to add and give the main characters more people to interact with}

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