Chapter 14

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Alright another chapter for y'all hope u like it

Serena's POV

"Sup!" The raiven-haired practically screamed at us.

"Sup back to you." Dawn yelled back the the same intensity.

"How'd you find us anyway?" I asked.

"Well... when I saw the letter you all had I realized you could all be in some serious danger. So I took off to the address and ended up finding where you all fell down. So this means, you went in a circle." He grinned happily.

"Wait, did you say serious danger?" Dawn said, "Get me out of here!"

"I'm afraid that won't be happening Ms. Berlitz." A deep voice spoke.

The color from Ash's drained. He looked pale almost faint. We looked to see a tv screen behind us. There sat a man...

"Giovanni...." Ash mumbled.

"Ah, yes I see you haven't forgotten me just yet."

"How could I forget?" Ash said half-heartedly.

"What do you want?" Dawn yelled.

"Oh, it is not what I want, it's what I have not finished..." he grinned evily.

"Leave everyone alone, aren't I the person you want?" Ash stated.

"I'm afraid I put my feet to deep into thr pool. See I can't do what you request, because well see for yourself." He points to the back of the screen. There are Mallow, Lana, Lillie, May, Misty, and Iris who's asleep.

"And now, I have two more."

And Serena was given a kick to the face, then blacked out.


Ash's POV

"Serena!" I shouted, it was no use. Serena collapsed on the ground unconcious. I on the other hand was greeted with a fist to the face. I tried fighting back, it was no use. I looked over at Dawn, but she was blacked out as well.

I crashed to the ground after a round-house kick to the ribs. I swung back, the only problem was I didn't know where or what I was swinging at. After a couple blows to the body, they finally let me go lying there in a pool of blood and sweat. I tried standing up, but the absence of blood in my system caused me to faint the last thing I saw, were the people carrying Serena away.

I woke up in a dark room. Then I heard the voice of the person who ruined my life.

"Well, well, well, well. If it isn't another Ketchum. Your family has been in this position a lot of times. See I would kill you right now, but there wouldn't be any fun in that right? So I decided to make you suffer before I end you." I could almost feel him smiling.

"What do you want with the others?" I yelled.

"Well I thought that if you saw them suffer your strength will drop."

"Release them, you only want me don't you?"

"You'll see why, you will feel the pain of losing more than just your own life." Giovanni said. "Speaking of which, this is your first test. You will be put in an obstacle course, but everytime you fail an obstacle, one of your friends will suffer." He grinned. "Well get going, your course starts now!"

A door opened revealing the course Ash will have to get through in order to save his friends.....

And Serena.....

Sup you guys, I finished another chapter for you all hope you enjoy, as the journey continues.

Love By Chance (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz