Part 17

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Krist P.O.V

It's been a week since I seen March, even though we talk almost everyday during the video games we play live.

It was so hard to convince his mother that he was going homework on the video game until we told her it was me.

I assured her that we always do his homework first before playing any games. She accepted two days ago when March got a perfect score on his math test, which reminds me I have to buy him that new game as a reward.

Also he refuses to tell his mother what he knows and how he feels. I don't want him to bottle up his emotions up and later do or say something that he will later regret.

And that's the reason I am here at the prison again to see Singto again. I don't know who else I can talk to about this.

I can't tell Knodd because, first of all its not my secret to tell and secondly he might try to use it against Mr. Sperbund. I know Knodd is a good person but when it comes to me he can be a little over protective.

But who can blame him, because he was the one who found me and nurse me back to health and saw me at my darkest time that I almost wanted to end my life.

But since Singto knows I can ask him for some advice. I must be going crazy here because I am asking advice from my rapist.

It's not about me right know, it's about March, so suck it up Krist and get this over with.

Singto P

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Singto P.O.V

I was in the library putting the books back on the shelves as part of my job here in prison. In prison you are assigned jobs and my job is working in the library help cleaning it and sometimes help the teacher that comes twice a week to teach some prisoners.

I'm busy cleaning when the guards called me "prisoner 0062" you have a visitor. I looked at the guards puzzled because today is not my scheduled visit day.

My visit days are monday,thursday and saturday. I usually see Aim monday or thursday but today is wednesday.

Something must have happen for him to come on a wednesday. I quickly finish putting the last three books away and go with the guards.

They don't handcuff me anymore now that it is two of them that escort me anywhere in the prison when I'm not in my cell.

When I get to the door, I look around the room looking for Aim but too my surprise I see Krist.

I'm shocked when I see him, because after his last visit I thought he would never visit me again.

But here we are three weeks later and hes here again.

I have butterflies in my stomach!! Okay Singto calm down and don't smile to much but look pleasantly surprise and happy but not to happy.

Just be cool and respectful.

I walk in and nod and lightly smile to Krist trying to show signs that I respect the fact that he is here again.

I pull out the chair and take a seat across from Krist and wait for Krist to speak first.

First off I want to thank the over 1.7k reads on my story so far. It really means a lot to me and fuels my fire to continue to write. Thanks for all the comments, likes, votes, followers and sharing my story.

I hope you like this chapter and if you do leave a comment,like, dislike or anything you want to share. But for those who liked, comment,shared and followed thank you.

Your Writer,


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