Sitting down at the table, Harry slides a plate of what looked like some form of egg in front of me. Half of it was runny and uncooked, the other half was charred.

"Yum," Ashton pats his stomach, winking at me.

"It's called extreme eggs," Harry giggles, clapping his hands together. He gives us a little bow, proud of his possibly edible creation.

"Thanks kiddo," I pat him on the head, looking at the eggs with caution.

"That looks good, I can't wait to see if you like it Madds," Ashton holds back a laugh, biting his tongue in between his toothy smile.

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs releases me from the possibility of food poisoning.

"Look who it is," I put down my fork, standing up to greet Lauren as she hops down the steps entering the kitchen. "Ready to go?"

"Do I have a choice?" she leans against the wall, crossing her arms.

"Yes," I reply at the same time that Ashton says no. I glare at him.

Ashton yawns, slipping on a hoodie and sitting down at the table. "I still don't get why I can't come."

"It's a girl's day," I roll my eyes. "Plus someone has to try Harry's eggs," I slide my plate over to him with a wink. "Harry, Ash is about to try your breakfast!"

Harry runs over, clapping Ashton on the back excitedly. Ashton glares at me, holding up his fork as if he was going to stab me with it. I laugh, grabbing Laurens hand and running out the front door into the car.

Lauren was glaring at me as I pulled out of the driveway. Her thick black eyeliner made her stare even more intimidating. I slide in a CD to ease the tension.

"What?" I glance over at Lauren's confused expression.

"Why are you listening to cool music if you aren't cool?" she frowns, clearly confused.

"You like Good Charlotte too?" I smirk, turning up the music slightly.

"I don't understand," she shakes her head.

"I am cool," I break out my air drums, tapping against the steering wheel. "Come on, you know you want to." I taunt her, shaking my hair around to the beat.

I pause my motions, waiting for the guitar solo. When the solo hits, I break out my air guitar, shredding the invisible notes. I poke Lauren's side, raising my eyebrows at her. She rolls her eyes, but lifts her hands slightly, joining me in an air guitar duo. We turned the front of the guitar into a punk rock stage, singing at the top of our lungs.

"So where are we going?" Lauren asks as the song comes to an end. I turn down the radio, catching my breath.

"I was thinking the mall maybe," I shrug, squinting at my GPS.

"Ew," Lauren groans, slugging back into her seat. "I almost thought you were cool."

"I was going to give you a makeover!" I defended myself.

"I don't need a makeover." She tugs down on her band t-shirt.

"Fine, we will go somewhere else." I pull over real quickly, searching a new address on my phone. Lauren strains to look over my shoulder to catch a glimpse at the screen, by I hide it from her view.


"Laser tag?" Lauren groans as we get out of the car, walking up to a neon lit building. "Are we like ten?"

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