Mothers boy. | Coby x reader

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*not a request but I randomly thought of this. I hope you enjoy! Pic above (if there) is what Coby's mom will look like for this. Aka Medusa. No I didn't draw that I'm not talented enough XD


You sat on the couch with your fiancé smiling and tossing popcorn up to the snakes on his head.

Yes, your fiancé was a gorgon, a very sexy one in fact.

Your parents had met him, and they surprisingly liked him! You were scared at first of them being scared of him, or they wouldn't want you to marry him because he was half monster, but they were completely okay with it!

But, that did get you thinking.. You haven't ever met Coby's parents before, and he didn't mention them at all.

"Coby?" You ask him, gaining his attention away from the movie that was playing on the TV.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Well.. I was wondering, do we have your parents approval? You know to get married?"

He stiffened. "Well.. Not really?.. Listen, baby, its complicated.. My mom isn't.. Exactly.. Accepting. And shes-s-s s-super embarrassing." He blushed looking to the side.

"Wait.. What do you mean not accepting?" You sat up with your arms crossed.

He sighed facepalming. "Shes complicated.. Let's just say that.. She doesn't like humans-s-s.. Considering one tried to chop her head off.."

"Coby! Thats horrible! Why would anyone want to do that?" You ask.

He shakes his head. "Something with my dad.. His town ehh.. I don't really know much about him. He died before I was born, mom hid me. If you meet her, don't bring him up please."

You nodded and hugged him. "I'm sorry baby."

He shrugged. "Its-s-s fine."

"Can we meet her tomorrow?" You asked into his chest.

He chuckled. "Sure baby, anything for you."

You smiled and hugged him tighter.


You woke up to your alarm going off, you shut it off and sat up, stretching.

Your snake headed fiancé stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a tooth brush in his mouth.

You laughed at the sight then walked over and hugged him. "Morning snake butt."

He chuckled and took the toothbrush out of his mouth. "Morning baby doll, you should get dressed, we'll be going to ma's in am hour."

You nodded and kissed his cheek. "Okay, thats all I'll need."

He smiled then walked back into the bathroom.

You then went to your walk in closet to find something to wear.


You wore a f/c dress, with a blue jean jacket and some f/c converses. 

Coby handed you a slice of toast, he was wearing a black t-shirt and dark green pants, a golden belt wrapped around his waist.

You smiled and took the toast then kissed his teeth, you felt his fork tongue lick the edge of your lips, you blushed and pushed him off.

"You perv!" You giggled.

He chuckled and nodded. "Okay okay. I got it, save it for later. C'mon moms waitin'."


You both stood in front of a cave, Coby held your hand in a comforting way. "It'll be alright, just let me do the talkin' okay?"

You nodded and walked inside with him.


You were stunned, this place was huge, golden coins and gems littered the ground, emerald green couched lined with gold.

"Wow.. Your moms rich!?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but thats because all of the stupid people drop treasure when she freezes them. MOM IM HOME!"

You hear some hissing, similar to Coby's snakes, coming from the hall. And there she was Medusa herself, her golden chest plate shined in the light.

She stared at you, then at her son. "Cobra, why aren't your glasses off? And why are your legs out? I thought I told you that around me you must have your tail." She scowled.

Coby sighed and with a snap his legs formed into his long green tail. "Is this better mom? Anyway, this is my fiancé y/n."

She slithered over to you, her hand under your chin. "Hmm, yes.." She slithered around you studying your body, making you feel embarrassed.

"Ah, I see, you've got quite the hips! Perfect for my grand babies!"

You blushed. "What!?"

Coby facepalmed. "Mom stop."

She giggled. "You have a good eye for women, baby boy."

Coby blushed. "Mom.. S-s-stop."

"You have my approval sweeite."

You nodded. "Thank you Ms.Medusa."

"Thanks mom."

"Please have the wedding soon! I can't wait for my grand babies!"

"Damn it mom!"

End? I hope you liked it! Sorry if it seems rushed!

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