You're Not Listening - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Amber covers her mouth, thinking she was smiling. "Am I that obvious?"

"You have no idea," Buffy replies.

"Well, there is... a guy."

"Really? Tell me all about it!"

"You promise you won't judge? Cause it's kind of dumb."

"I'll try, but I make no promises."

"Jonah and I are back together."

"Really? I never would've guessed. What happened?"

"We just realized we liked each other again. So we thought we'd give it another go. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all mean girl again," Amber says as she slides a piece of hair away from her eyes.

Buffy holds up a neon pink exercise shirt, to which Amber shakes her head. "It's weird. Last I checked, Jonah was dating someone else."

"You mean Libby? Jonah mentioned her. Said she broke up with him before we started dating again. It's weird that he moved on so fast, but I won't question him about it." Amber points at the navy blue shirt hanging on the rack. "Try that one."

Buffy holds it against her, releasing a sigh of relief. "Well, if you're happy, then I am too."


Andi finds Libby and Jonah sitting underneath a tree in the park. Immediately, her suspicions begin to dial up. "Jonah, Libby!"

Jonah looks up, prompting Libby to as well. They both wave at her as she jogs towards them. "Hey, Andi," Jonah says. "What are you doing here?"

"I texted Libby earlier, and asked if we could hang out."

"That's great. I was actually about to go meet up with Cyrus. Guess you can keep each other company." Jonah hugs Libby, then proceeds to hold out his palm, close it, and open it again. The sign for "goodbye."

Andi sits next to Libby and Jonah strolls away. Andi didn't stall for a second, signing as she speaks, "So, you and J-Dimple? How's that going?"

"(It's going great. I'm teaching him sign language,)" Libby signs.

"Teaching him? That's pretty cool. But I mean, how is your relationship?"

"(Better than before. We're going ice-skating soon. Something he's planning to teach me.)"

Andi felt discomfort from that statement, but managed to keep a happy expression. "That's so adorable! I'm just... so happy for you!"


Cyrus waits patiently for Jonah to enter the diner. To pass the time, he texts TJ a list of his favorite muffins, to which he replies with some of his own. Jonah enters the door and Cyrus slides his phone into his pocket. "Jonah!"

"Hey, Cy. Why'd you want to meet up?"

"Oh, you know. Just to have some guy talk. Like we used to."

Jonah sits down across from Cyrus. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Whatever you want."

Jonah finds difficulty in thinking of a subject. "Umm, you're gay. What's that like?"

"It's... different than what I'm used to, but I'm starting to accept it. Uh, how are you and Libby?"

"She's teaching me sign, so that's something. I know how to spell my name now," he replies as he begins to move his hands around.

"Ehh, you're close. But that spells, 'Jomah.' It's two fingers before the thumb, not three."

"Oh... sorry."

"Don't be. You're getting better. And I'm glad you're trying something new. And how about Amber?"

Jonah's head shoots up. "Amber?"

Red lights were flashing in Cyrus' head. "Yeah. You're able to confide in her because of the thing. It must feel great having a friend to talk to about this.

Jonah begins to show a nervous look. "Uhh, Yeah. She's a great friend. I just remembered, I have to go. Catch you later?"

"You know it. Later."

As Jonah exits, Cyrus slips his phone back out just as the girls return to the Spoon. "I was just about to text you both. Jonah's cheating. He says he and Libby are still together, and when I brought up Amber, he got scared and left.

"That can't be true," Buffy says. "Amber told me Libby broke up with Jonah."

Andi shakes her head. "Libby said that she and Jonah were still together. He lied to Amber."

Cyrus places his water glass down. "Why would Jonah do this?"

"What's more important on the moment is whether we should tell Amber and Libby."

"We're telling them," Buffy says.

"No we shouldn't. That's going to make things way worse."

The two look at Andi, who is now the deciding vote. "It's on you, Andi. Is it going to be a lie where everyone is happy, or a truth where no one is?"

To Be Continued... Because I'm Evil and I Love Cliffhangers...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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