3. I love purple haired women

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Trigger Warning : Talks of cuts/cutting, mentions of homophobia.

Three days later. Tuesday night

Keith's YouTube video has gained a lot of traction. "300k Subs in in three fucking days?!?!" Keith practically screamed. "Keith!" his mom scolded, "Watch the language, young man!" "Sorry mom, i-i'm just like super surprised," he moved his hair out of his face, "You need a haircut," his mother commented. "No i love my hair, and-" he was cut off, "Wait, did you say 300k in three months?" She asked. "Yeah mom, I did!" "For what?" Keith told his mom about the YouTube thing, she said as long as he was being safe with it, it was okay. "So, Keith," his mom starts. "Oh no." he thinks, "here it comes."  "How's school?" "I have something to tell you mom." he started, fidgeting. "Are you okay, my love?" "Um yeah, anyways mom. I have something to say, and I don't want dad to know..." "Okay Keith. what's up, lovebug?" 


Earlier that day. 

 Lunch time at school.

Keith. Keith rarely eats lunch, because one: school lunch is nasty as hell, two he just doesn't have the appetite. Instead, he doodles or does homework or anything to avoid the other kids. But today was going to be different. Today someone sat with him. At first, he didn't notice. (because he's obviously listening to Pierce the Vail, P!ATD, and Fall Out Boy.) When he finally noticed, he jumped a bit, obviously startled. He paused his music and looked up, more bitterly than he intended. "What do you want?" "Rough start, but that's okay," the blue-eyed boy said, "I can be patient." Confused, Keith just ignored him by looking back down at his paper and hoped he'd leave. "Keith, right?" The boy asked, more nervous than before. "Yeah, that's my name." He said, still doodling on his forgotten homework assignment, "don't wear it out." "I noticed you always sitting by yourself and like never eating," the boy comments, and Keith immediately knew what he was implying. "Look, man," Keith picked his head up from his paper, "I'm just not close with people, and I'm not gonna eat this food that's most definitely poisoned." Keith says looking down. "Well, I'm Lance." "I'll see you later then lance." Keith said standing up. "Wait," lance said. "What?" Keith asked. "Can you meet me after school today by the oak tree outside?" Lance asked casually. "Sure," Keith replied, standing to leave. 

After school, 3:45pm. 

Keith texted his mom to let him know he was meeting a friend. When Keith walked up to the oak tree Lance was waiting. "Ah, there you are!" Lance said and smiled brightly. "Yep." Keith replies. Lances smile fades as he thought to himself. "I was going to ask you earlier, but I didn't because. it's a bit, uh, personal." Keith raised a brow at him. "Yeah, I'll just get to the point," he said more to himself than to Keith, "Are you cutting yourself?" Keith's eyes widened slightly, "Excuse me?" he said, clearly caught off guard. "Sorry I guess that was a little too blunt," Lance apologized, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Keith's eyes softened, "Why?" "Why?" Lance repeated, "Because I don't like seeing people i like in pain." "You like me?" Keith asked. Lances face flushed, "I mean, yeah. You're pretty cool and your smart, so," he stopped talking and took a deep breath, "Sorry, I know confidences is key, but you intimidate me. In a good way, though!" The taller boy laughed. "Interesting," Keith said. Lance put a hand on the back of his neck, "Anyway, back to our conversation," he started, "do you want to talk about it?" The ravenette shook his head, "I'm not doing that," he said a bit aggressively, "why'd you even think that?" Lances eyes darted to Keith's wrist, a bandage barely visible under his jacket sleeve. "Oh," he mumbles, pulling his arms to his chest, "just a cat scratch." Lance rolled his eyes, "I'm sure," he placed a hand on Keith's shoulder, "I'd like to help you if you'd let me." Keith felt his ears get hot, "And by that you mean what?" Lance leaned in a little, "I think you know." He closed the gap between them and kissed Keith.


"Alright, we won't tell dad. What is it?" Krolia replied. He hesitated for a second, "I'm gay." "So, you like boys?" she asked. He nodded and started tearing up, "I dont want dad to know, I dont want him to-to hate me anymore," Keith cried to Krolia. "Baby, he doesn't hate you. He's just.. look it doesn't matter. I love you, and that's what matters, okay? Come here,"" she pulled him into a hug. "I love you." he cried into her chest a bit more before he calmed down. "O-okay. I'm gonna go to my room." "Okay, love." 

He ran off to his room and sat there for a while, collecting his thoughts. His parents, Lance, school, his scars. Everything felt like too much and he needed it to stop. He stumbled to his bathroom and cried to himself, and for a moment he had hope that everything would just stop. Everything would be okay. Everything would be normal. Everything would feel right. But its not happening, and he can't control it and it's eating him up. He pulled open a cabinet drawer and pulled out a blade. 


"Welcome to my channel. But guys," Keith starts, flopping onto his bed, "what the quiznak? Guys, it's been three days since I posted that art thing whatever the hell it is. Um can someone explain to me how I get 300k subs in three quiznacking days? Did i just stumble upon art loving gay people?" He smiled as he said it. "Well, anyway. Thank you, guys, so much! And, since were here, I might as well ask my dear mother if there is something I need to do... and you can meet her." Keith said. "Mom!" Keith yelled "Yes babe?" He walked up to her, "Hi. I'm recording and just thought 'hmm, well let's see what damage we can do today whilst I'm recording'," he said jokingly. "Well, I'm glad someone is in a better mood." His mom laughs, "How about you paint me a picture? Something beautiful in my room?" He smiled, "Got it. Wait what color?" He asks. "Purple," she flipped her dark purple hair over her shoulder, "it's my favorite color." 

xoxo :)

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