Enemy Who Was a Friend

Start from the beginning

"T-That was so long ago, S-Steven. It doesn't matter anymore" Rose sobs, standing up and wiping some tears from her face.

I shake my head and snort at her.

"Really? Because it sure felt like it mattered when Jasper, Eyeball, Bismuth, and the Diamonds wanted me dead for your crimes. I was caught up in a mess that I never created or even heard of. Thankfully, I was able to solve it, though" I muse staring straight ahead while knowing that Rose is staring right at my back.

She goes silent, probably to prevent any more crying.

"When wake up, I'm going to find Connie and save those I really love. I'm not going to abandon them to suffering and tragedy. And you know, I used to want to be like you. Now I wish you were more like me" I say, starting to feel my body wake up.

The surrounding void of nothingness begins to fade away, meaning that I'm finally coming to. In the midst of all this, I get one last glimpse of Rose before she vanishes like everything else.

I'm awake and very much angry, half of it fueled from Connie's scene in my room and the other half from my rant with Rose. I'm laying down, a very bright overhead light shining right into my face. I try to move, but find that my wrists and ankles are being held down by metal restraints. I shake and struggle back and forth to wiggle out, but this proves to be useless. With my options of moving out of the question, I scan my surrounding environment. It's mainly dark, giving me an abandoned apartment kind of vibe, and certainly smells like it too. The whole place reeks of moldy cheese and aftershave. I turn my head to both sides as much as I can and when I'm facing to the right, I squint and feel like I can make out a silhouette standing in the corner.

"Hello, Steven" The silhouette says, his voice vaguely recognizable, but still enough that I know who it is.

"Hello, Jeff" I reply, "Fancy meeting you here. Could you perhaps explain what's going on here?"

Jeff sighs, the look on his face clearly indicating that he doesn't want to be here.

"Connie needs you. I'm just here to keep an eye on you until he comes along" The boy blandly summarizes, footsteps approaching from outside.

Before I ask who this 'he' is, a door opens from behind Jeff and, lo and behold, Kevin appears.

"Steven Fucking Universe" He spits, trotting over like he owns the place.

"You bet, Kevin. A lot of ladies do love fucking the Universe" I grin at him, the man sneering and punching me across the face.

"Being a smartass isn't tolerated here, asshole" Kevin growls, "You're on our turf, so you gotta place by our rules".

"Ours?" I say with a questioning glance.

"Yes, ours" Connie replies, casually walking into the room.

She trots over and runs her hands over my cheeks, touching the place where Kevin struck me. She huffs slightly and turns around.

"Kevin, what did I say about controlling your temper?" Connie says angrily, "I said that I wanted him 'unharmed'. Does that ring any bells?"

"Hey, not my fault if you like someone who fights back" Kevin retorts, crossing his arms.

Connie just sighs and turns back to me.

"You'll have to excuse him. Kevin and Jeff are merely hired help" Connie purrs, leaning close to my face.

"Where are the Gems?" I growl at her.

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