Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

Guys I'm so sorry and yes I know that its been a month! I've been SOOO busy but the next one should be uploaded sooner because I have a four day weekend. Yay for budget cuts!!! umm, yeah shutting up now.  


Chapter 11

It feels as if the worlds weight is pressing down on me as I open my eyes. God knows that I didn't want to, but it was mandatory that I did. Its almost unbelievable the force it take for a person to open their eyes and look at the day with a new start and an open mind. Most days, when I wake up, all I want to do is go back to sleep and return the dreamland where cancer doesn't exist.

You can't control a lot of things in the world, its like a brick walls standing in front of you, and no matter how strong you are you just can't break it down. You think to yourself, what if it was only a bubble, and with one little light poke of a finger, it was gone. 'Pop' would be the last sound you hear, then you wouldn't hear anymore of the problem. Unfortunately for me, I have about ten brick walls in front of me, and twenty metal ones. I'm pretty sure that I won't be problem solving very soon.

Unlike Lyle's hair, what we all thought would be a problem, wasn't one at all.

When I finally put the raging battle inside me to rest for the morning I have an internal groan, Lyle has noticed his new hair and is inspecting himself in one of my uncountable mirrors. He reluctantly inspects his new hair, turning his head side to side, blinks, and walks out of my room.

Link, who is obviously also awake stares incredulously at the door, “Thats it?”

I roll my eyes my eyes at Link, he should know by now that nothing can really set off his brother, not even replacing his lovely blonde hair, with red hair, wouldn't faze him.

I begrudgingly tare myself from my bed covers and press my feet against the cold hardwood floor in my room. I do my morning stretch then head to open my window. It raining, and when you live in Oregon, that sound can be calming like a lullaby, or dreadful mock that the suns not going to come back until spring, and even then, briefly.

I inhale deeply, and wish I could drown in the smell I watch for a moment as it falls towards the the ground and hits the wet pavement. It's a view I've seen all my life, but am only now starting to appreciate. A bundle of things are like that for me, small little details that I just now can't live without, an while I can still live, I'll worship them.

I walk down stairs to find Lily at the piano, playing away. As she stops momentarily and looks to see who came into the room, once she sees me, she goes back to playing.

I smile at her and walk into the kitchen and took out five cups and started making a gargantuan amount of coffee.

One by one they come down stairs, Lyle the last.

We all looked at him, mouths agape. Only Lyle could turn ugly red hair into a maroon color that looks way better then before. I smirk while Link rolls his eyes a little muttering, “Isn't he Mr. Perfect.” that statement was partly true, Lyle excelled at every thing he did. Including looks.

“Coffee,” I say holding up a mug for him. He only walks over to me and takes it with a nod as a thank you.

Then, as if they had practiced it, one by one by turn around and look at me. That's when It dawned on me that only telling them I was dying, really wasn't going to be enough for them. I flinched under their eyes, “should we go talk in the living room?”

For some reason I don't know, I felt like a five year old that had done something bad.


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