Stepping In

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As Rai raised the sword of the Nebula downward to the Heylin warrior's neck, he suddenly heard something coming from where his friends happened to be, the word fire. The next thing that he knew, the Sword of the Nebula went flying through the air. Both he and Chase turned to look at where Kimiko was very livid looking.

"What exactly did you do that for?" Rai suddenly asked. "And weren't you unconscious?"

"She woke up during the Showdown," Omi commented.

"I can't believe you Rai… first giving up Omi and Clay like that. Then you almost killed someone… man… my head hurts," Kimiko held her head in her hands.

"But he… he did you know what to you," Rai stammered out.

"What is you know what?" Omi asked.

"You don't want to know," Clay sighed, rolling his eyes.

Rai turned to Chase, his eyes narrowed. He repeated effectively what he had stated earlier. "You… of all people… I would have thought that you had the honor not to do that kind of thing."

Chase's eyes narrowed at Rai, carefully taking in all the details. "I am not stupid… if this is something that one does not wish for Omi to know about, then it must be something dreadful indeed that would… how to put it… do mental damage. Thus, I have an idea of what it is. I rarely am insulted Dragon, but this is one of those times."

"Then why don't you do anything to defend your stupid honor!" Raimundo snapped, still quite angry with the older one.

"Think about it… I just lost to you. I don't have my freedom anymore," Chase snarled. "That means I am not allowed to attack you."

"Typically… I'd blab this to the others… but… Chase Young being on your side is not a good thing for us… and I'll get the blame," Katnappe muttered. She then whispered into Kimiko's ear. "Expesully since I know he threw the fight and it has something to do with you. I want the meat."

With that, Katnappe scurried off, while Omi had a very confused look on his face. "So… Chase is no longer Heylin?"

"I don't think that's how it works," Kimiko snapped.

"What…" Raimundo glared at her, miffed that she was treating him the way that she was.

"You thought that happened," Kimiko spun around so her back was to everyone.

"It's his fault and yours," Rai snapped.

"And what partner… are we going to do with him," Clay commented.

Rai opened his mouth, and then closed it. He placed a hand on his chin. Chase smirked at him. "I know what you're not going to do… free me."

"Duh… that is rather obvious!" Rai snapped. "I can't think of what to do yet. For now, you have to stay here and are forbidden to attack us. Let's go Dragons."

All of them started to move, but Kimiko didn't move. Rai walked right up to her. "What is your problem?!"

"I know your leader and all… but you didn't handle this one well Rai," Kimiko muttered.

Rai was rather livid and became more so when he heard Chase Young chuckle at the interaction between the two. He spun around towards the other guy. "One of the first things you can do is talk some sense into her… since you think that my predicament is so funny."

"As if either one of you could understand how the mind of a female works!" Kimiko snapped, causing Rai to spin around and the Heylin warrior to glare at her, anger in his eyes.

Rai began to walk to the entrance. "Come on guys… we'll meet her outside. Have fun talking to the Prince of Darkness Kimiko."

Kimiko shuddered as she heard this statement from Rai, remembering what had happened while she was gone. Three pairs of eyes glanced after her worried, but then she spoke up. "Remember… Chase Young is forbidden to attack us."

While they still weren't happy with the situation, they left. Kimiko then turned to Chase. "Why?"

"Why what?" Chase commented playing coy.

"You know why what, but if you want to play that game, why did you throw the battle?" Kimiko snapped.

"Why?" Chase narrowed his eyes at her. "You knew what I would become when I first met you as Lian-Li, didn't you Fire Sparrow?"

"So you're saying that my knowing who you were had to do with something with this?" Kimiko snapped.

"You worded that promise with me carefully… so that I would be honor bound to keep it. Not to mention that it would be a permanent promise,"

"Well, I didn't expect you to ever remember who I was! I mean, you didn't before!" Kimiko snapped.

"Is that even important? But if you must know, why would I remember something that dealt with having certain kind of feelings? I believe that I would have to have a soul to remember such feelings, no?"

Kimiko thought very carefully about what to say to him. "Do you think that I never meant the promise I made to you? To always be friends?"

"Do you think that I would care? Friends mean nothing to me? The only reason I kept the promise wasn't because I cared about the fact we promised to always be friends, but that I made a promise to one about always looking out for you?"

"I never asked you to promise that," Kimiko stated.

"So I made it without full knowledge of what the implications would be," Chase shrugged his shoulder. "I still have to keep it."

"And I still have to keep mine… you know what that means, right? I worded it carefully not to trick you, but so that you could never use our friendship against me, that even though I hold you to be my friend, that I can't stand by the things you do."

This caused Chase to smirk. "Should have known. Ching is dead… as I've said, there is no soul there."

"Chase Young, Ching's soul was formed from his honor. That was who made him who he is. You still have your honor. Do you really think you have no soul?" Kimiko smiled.

It was then that Chase lost his temper with her and changed to his Dragon form. "Get out!"

With that, Kimiko hurried out of the room. She got outside of the lair and found the boys waiting for her. Rai raised an eyebrow at her. "You sure like to get people mad at you, don't you?"

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" Kimiko asked, suddenly turning and glaring at Rai.

"You're mad at me for no reason!" to which Kimiko stormed off towards where Dojo was ready to take off.

"Officially Rai… I am not speaking with you. We're friends… but that doesn't mean I have to stand by and deal with you being stupid," Kimiko snapped.

Time Slip (Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic - Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now