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Chase woke up early in the morning and went to meditate outside. Dojo was outside taking a nap in the sunshine, snoring loudly and snorting small tuffs of fire. Chase shook his head at the green dragon. "Dojo… if you aren't careful, someone will step on you."

This caused Dojo's eyes to snap open and for him to stretch. "Oh come on… the sun is just rising… it feels so good on my scales."

"Why do you think that I come out here so early," Chase said, taking a deep breath and then releasing it. "Where is Master Dashi?"

"Master Dashi used the Sands of Time to go to the future," Dojo commented.

"He actually went without you Dojo?" the younger boy said.

"Chase… he said something along the lines of going and seeing something that was hidden from him in previous journeys… something from Lian-Li's time," the dragon snorted, cleaning out the shoot from his nostrils.

"You do know that Lian-Li is not her real name," Chase muttered.

"Did you really kiss her?" Dojo suddenly asked. He winced as the boy turned around, thinking that he would hit him or throw something at him. Instead, he saw the boy sit down in front of him.

"Dojo… what is this discussion that Dashi is going to have with me that Gaun told me about?" Chase said, placing a hand on his cheek.

This caused Dojo's eyes to suddenly go wide. "Chase… this isn't a speech that… well, one wants to wait for the person to come to them, not you go to them."

"But Gaun made it seem that it was important,"

This caused Dojo to blink a couple of times. "Well… it is… but Master Dashi will pick the time when it is right to have the discussion with you about all of this… it isn't something you want to rush… like your training."

"Hmm…" Chase muttered, then stood up and went back to doing his stances. He heard a couple of footsteps coming from inside the house and could tell that it was Doan and Toa… they were the only ones who couldn't walk with soft feet. One of them came up and tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to swing around and hit the person in the stomach. "What do you want?"

He saw that Doan was the one clutching his stomach while Toa was grinning. "I told you that he would do that!"

"Thanks," Doan gasped out.

"What… do you two want!" Chase snapped.

"We were coming to apologize…" Toa smiled.

"Yeah… Guan's making us…" the other boy pouted.

"Then we overheard you speaking to Dojo about the 'speech' that Dashi is supposed to give you," Toa hummed into Chase's ear. "I can tell you what that is about. When guys kiss girls, they get more and more little bugs on them… these bugs are trouble…"

Chase frowned at this. "Is this why you two aren't so good at what you do."

Toa suddenly slapped the back of Chase's head. "That was so not funny!"

"But you just said that these bugs were trouble…" Chase muttered. "And you like kissing girls."

This statement from the younger boy caused Toa to turn read from anger. Doan however laughed. "Yeah… that's why we're so bad… you wouldn't want to end up like that would you?"

This caused Chase to sit down on the rock and think about the whole situation. Doan and Toa took off, Dojo hurrying after them. "You know as well as I, both of you, that was not the speech that Dashi was going to give him… and there is no such thing as those bugs."

Time Slip (Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic - Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now