A Visit from Dashi

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Outside of the giant teeth of Chase Young's citadel appeared master Dashi. Typically he remained humorous in his attitude, but this was one of those times that being humorous was not a good thing and taking a more serious out look on things was needed. Of course, when a certain someone was growing up that a more serious approach tended to be needed.

Dashi let out a sigh and walked straight into the place, not in the least bit worried. He knew that common sense was something this former student of his had and thus the Heylin warrior wouldn't attack him. Of course, he had hopes that another reason other then the common sense one would be there.

The young man was sitting up where his throne was which made the bile rise in his throat as this was defiantly a different person from the one from which was from his time frame. The eyes blinked open and confirmed that the former Dragon had indeed drunk the soup.

"What are you doing here Dashi?" came the growling response. "Perhaps you are here to destroy me and that's why you haven't bothered with me in the past?"

"To destroy you? Dragon, I am not here to destroy you… you know that everyone of…"

"Shut up," came the dark tone. Chase stepped down the stairs and came to stand right in front of Dashi. "Don't say that all of your Dragons are like your children. In case, you haven't caught on yet… I am not a Xiaolin Dragon any more."

"This will never change what you were… once a Xiaolin Dragon, all ways will be one,"

"I am to buy into this? This is only to try to convince me to change sides again. You know how stubborn I am Dashi… it isn't going to work, so why are you even trying that play on me?"

"Did you really change sides, or did you just become both?"

"Dashi… drinking the soup is equivalent of selling one's soul. One become a beast and can't ever switch sides… the change is permanent… you should know this,"

"If you know this, they why did you assume I was trying to change your side back?" Dashi watched as Chase opened his mouth to respond but quickly closed it. "Plus… how is it that you have not attacked me yet?"

A smirk came on Chase's face. "There you go again Dashi. I do not attack you because I care at all for you, but because I am not dumb enough to screw up the timeline like one of your precious monks did and almost retained that way."

"You we're willing to mess up the timeline so Lian-Li could stay."

"A frown came across the other's face. "Why'd you have to bring her up? Of all people, it's irrelevant anyways. It isn't as if I'll ever see her again."

"Actually, it's because of her that I'm here Chase. Have you really thrown away all feeling for her… or is there something deep down still lingering?"

"Don't be dumb… I don't care about anyone anymore… and you need not worry about her as I said… I am unlikely to see her again."

"And are you sure that you won't get to see her again? That second kiss of yours… did you ever take into consideration what she meant before then?"

Chase blinked a couple of times. "So… she was referring to myself before I changed sides and myself afterwards. If that's the case, it's no wonder she didn't want… anyways… that is another matter all together."

"Is it? Your probably only a couple of years older then that time when you drank the soup."

"What of it… I'm still very old. I doubt with her knowing all of this she'll even bother coming to find me. So don't worry about me soiling her to the Heylin side,"

"Have you become callous?"

"Callous… you're one to talk," Chase laughed and narrowed his eyes. "As I recall, you left some important information from your precious so called students."

"And what would this information be?"

"Don't be stupid… I overheard the conversation between you and Dojo, the stupid dragon,"

"You could have overheard many conversations under my tutelage,"

"The one while Lian-Li was there that had nothing to do with sending her back,"

"Ahh… the one about me dying,"

"Of course that one Dashi,"

"Do you wish to speak about it now?"

Chase crossed his arms. "It's rather late for that, no?"

"Perhaps it is. Back to the subject of Lian-Li… do you actually think you'll recognize her?"

"I don't care if I recognize her or not," Chase commented.

"Which explains a lot. I'll be leaving now,"

"This doesn't explain why you're here,"

"The only thing I'll say is… you'll eventually understand."

Chase glared after him, not happy at all that he had came.

Time Slip (Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic - Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now