Love Rai

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Jack arrived back at his lair with his new toy which he had determined useless and his new Wu, though what the Wu was for he had no clue at all. He went and sat down in his chair, only to feel something underneath him that was squishy and something sharp in his back.

"It isn't nice to sit on your guests," Katnappe purred.

"What are you doing here?" Jack jumped up on the table to get away from her, scooting back on his bottom and knocking things off.

"I want to play with your new toy," Katnappe sighed trying to snatch at the love ray.

"Hold on… it doesn't worked, Ash…ley," Jack muttered in a mocking tone.

"What do you mean?" Katnappe raised an eyebrow at him.

"It was supposed to prove that Kimiko was my soul mate," Jack's lip trembled.

"What if what it was asked to prove couldn't be proved," Katnappe flexed her claws.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jack snapped.

"Let's say that Kimiko is not your soul mate and that the reason that she went through the portal is because her soul mate was through the portal?" Katnappe spun herself around in the chair.

"No way! It doesn't work," Jack snapped again.

"If I shoot that thing at Raimundo and… well… depending on what happens… it will prove whether it works or not," Katnappe smiled.

"What… do you have a crush on that jerk, Ash…ley," Jack sniped, a grin on his face.

"Only if he's my soul mate, then I get to make his life a living hell,"

"Fine, knock yourself out," Jack handed her the love ray. He then put the pure orb on his desk.

"Thank you," the purring reply came. It was just then that the huge door to Jack's lab crashed open.

"All right Jack. We want answers to where Kimiko is," Raimundo shouted.

"Just a minute… where did Wuya go," Jack asked the cat costumed girl.

"Hello, we're trying to have a battle here," came the southern drawl.

"Well, time to determine if this works or not," the girl suddenly pointed the gun at Rai and pulled the trigger, only to have him go flying backwards into nothing. "Psaw… it doesn't work."

"Told you," Jack's tone was very negative.

"So… it opens up portals on only the first time?" Omi's eyes were wide.

"Dufuss… it was a love ray. No portals."

"Hey… I got a great trick to play on Wuya… Jack… never mind, you're busy," Katnappe scattered off then.

"Jack… what have you done to Kimiko?" Clay asked.

"I wish I knew… wait!" as the boys started to pounce on him. "I haven't a clue what happened to her, I wish I did… because that was just freaky even for me,"

"Dead end," Raimundo groaned, to which the other two unhappily nodded their heads.

Time Slip (Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic - Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now