Girls Drool

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Through the window in the small cubicle sunshine came through, hitting Kimiko in the face, waking her up. She groaned and sat up, the Reversing Mirror slipping from her sleeve. As she picked it up to put it back, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was reminded of her predicament. She had forgotten during the night that she had to dress like a boy.

She then ended up remembering her little predicament from the night before and paled, gagging as she did. She knew that her new 'friend' really meant no harm, but she really hadn't a clue what the two older boys had been talking about. Also, considering the fact that she was a girl, sleeping with a boy was a big no-no… which was why she did the sword bit.

If she ever got back to her own time, she was never going to mention that incident to anyone. And hopefully, since these Tao, Doan and Ching were not in the history books of Dojo's memory, they didn't become heroes like Master Monk Gaun and Master Dashi. Hopefully they wouldn't say anything to Dojo… because that would be embarrassing.

She got up and stretched, heading outside to be in the sunshine and wait for the boys to wake up. She sat down on a warm stone and listened to the nature around her. She was surprised to hear a voice disturb her enjoyment. "I'm sorry about last night…"

This caused her to turn to see the youngest boy practicing meditation moves on a rock nearby. She didn't understand how she hadn't noticed him. "It wasn't that big of a deal."

"Yes it was… Tao was mad…" the boy said, continuing to move in his meditation moves, his eyes closed.

"Yeah… well I took the Sword of the Storm…" Kimiko commented, which caused the boy to open his eyes.

"How do you know the name of that Shen Gong Wu?" the boy asked, continuing the stances.

"I over heard," Kimiko lied hoping the boy would believe her. "Tao was talking about it around the village and the old lady told me."

"Figures… Tao is an egotist," the boy said, switching to a different pose. He closed one eye, but kept one looking at her. "He isn't mad at you… he's mad at me… as always."

"What ever for?" Kimiko looked at the boy in confusion.

"Tao… has never liked me since Master Dashi took me in…" the boy lamented. "Nor has Doan. Both make everything that ends up messed up with me a big issue, even if I had no control over it. Plus, you heard them last night calling me the baby… as far as they're concerned, a fourteen year old would not have nightmares like that were they need comfort from another… unless they were a girl."

"I thought you were fifteen," Kimiko commented, glancing at a steam of ants going by.

"I am… but they think I'm still thirteen, sometimes they remember I'm older then that, but never my actual age," he said moving to another position. He then moved into a sitting position. "You know, if you start treating me nice, they'll start picking on you too."

"So you think I'm weak?" Kimiko asked, glaring at the boy. "I can take care of myself!"

"That's not what I meant… I can take care of myself, but Tao has always been very good at baiting me. He thinks that since he looks like he's almost adult, he is so great too… but he isn't as good as Gaun,"

"You like him?" Kimiko asked.

This caused the boy to raise an eyebrow. "Depends on what you mean by that…"

"What do you mean?"

"Well…" the boy said. "I would rather not explain what I meant by that… it has to do with one of the problems that Tao and Doan cause for me at times… I don't think that's what you meant anyways."

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