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Master Dashi was sitting quietly watching the girl. Something was defiantly bothering her. He knew also that even though Chase had not been heard for a few minutes now, the child was still upset. Master Dashi knew that he had to ask the right questions of the girl and that if he asked the wrong ones, she would clam up.

"So, Lian-Li… how far in the future are you from?" the Dragon Master said.

"Roughly fifteen hundred give or take," the girl said, not looking up from where she sat at the table.

"Do you have the same elements at the temple as we do here? I assume that the temple I hope to build will be done by then?" Dashi asked.

"Oh, the temple is built. We sort of have the same elements," Kimiko commented. "But there is one difference… I don't find my element here."

"Ahh, so… you're the element of fire?" the man stated rather then asked.

"Yes… I've never seen a Dragon without an element before," Kimiko commented.

"You mean Chase child?" Master Dashi sighed. "I haven't told him his… so don't tell him that I told you… or Gaun for that matter what his element is. Chase is the Dragon of the Mind, or one of them. There is the possibility to have more then one, but it takes a lucky person to be named a Dragon."

"So that's why the sword that I put between us last night ended up in the wall," Kimiko put her chin on her hand, not happy with this recollection.

"I see that Tao and Doan decided to pair you two up… I'll have to speak to them too about that," Master Dashi shook his head. He went onto his next question. "Are you worried that your being here might change the future to one where you might not exist?"

Kimiko's head shot up. "How did you know?"

"Those who purposely come to the past do it for one of two reasons, to change the future, or to get help with something in the future. You didn't come willingly, did you?"

"No… I also know first hand what would happen to us if a certain event didn't happen… that evil would actually become stronger," Kimiko commented.

"What event is this," Dashi said, only to have Kimiko button up. "I promise I won't try to change it."

"Would you if you knew that one of your students were to drink the Lao Mang Long soup," Kimiko commented.

"The one that turns one to the Heylin side?" Dashi asked.

"Yes… and one sells on soul when they drinks it," Kimiko commented.

"Depends on what one means by selling of ones soul?" the man said. "Lao Mang Long soup has the perminat effects of a reptilian shape in addition to ones normal one, not to mention an immortal life. However, that is not what the selling of the soul implies."

"I do not follow," Kimiko had a confused look on her face, as she should have.

"Lao Mang Long is like a drug… much like the drinking of a similar soup made from, would you believe this, Unicorns? But with Unicorns, there is no immortality, as they, unlike the Dragons you are familiar with, eventually do grow old and die. But with them comes an extended life and a vanity. But the main point is the soup permanatly changes who one is. That is what the soup does."

"I still don't follow," Kimiko sighed. "It doesn't seem like there is a cure for getting one's soul back…"

"Does this person still have a sense of honor?" the man said.

"Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything," she said. "Ch… he may have a sense of honor, but he is arrogant, thinks of himself first, wants the Heylin side to succeed."

Time Slip (Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic - Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now