Chapter 12: The Big Bash

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"Stinky.... really?" I said with extreme worry in my voice.

Seeing that gun threw me off balance in all aspects.

"Put the gun down, please" I begged him.

He pointed that gun with a glare in his eye, the glare was no mercy. Stinky looked like he was ready to take this man's life before my eyes. I'd never forgive him for allowing me to experience that.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, slowly gliding my hand down his arm, pressing down to lower his aim. His arm moved a little, but he gained control and repositioned it back to a clear headshot.

Shawn stood there helplessly, scared for what would happen next. In the mist of it all, tons of kids were running away from the sound of gun shots being fired in the distance. Tay, Jack Jack and Kory were no where to be found.

A few hours earlier

Tonight was going to be big. School just let out for thanksgiving break and to top it off there was a party tonight. Every year, the students would throw a big bash that almost everyone attended. Only Juniors and Seniors were allowed, luckily this was my second time attending. My first time, me and Tay snook in and saw the craziness.

The students found a warehouse that was secluded, there wouldn't be no noise complaints nor cops popping up. It was every students job to keep it on hush. It's just a bunch of teenagers acting wild, enjoying the beginning of the school year.

"I'm so excited for tonight man!" Kory blurted out.

"I bet you are" I said, admiring the outfit I so happened to look amazing in.

I wore a yellow shirt, that made my tan pop. A pair of black jeans that fit amazing, and I wanted the toes out, so Birkenstocks it was, all black.

Tay really went out too. He had a nice black button down, great fabric. Great pair of fitted pants that went well with his black loafers. His gold chain, gold watch, and definitely can't forget his earrings. Tay even brought out the vintage squared glasses, in black as well.

"Okay, so where you get the money to get all that?" Stinky said, as he brushed the waves he claimed to have.

I guess his waves were there a little, he kind of had the hair for it anyway. It was just a drastic change from braids to waves. Now I couldn't play with his hair anymore.

"Shut up, haters would say that." Tay spit back.

Stinky just tilted his head back and stared nonchalantly at Tay.

"Really...hating? Do you see me boi." Stinky said, throwing his hands outwards while flashing his outfit, doing a jazzy pose.

"Your mad ugly!!!" Jack Jack screamed out laughing.

We all began to laugh, I just let out a little snicker. It was barely noticeable, but that was definitely funny.

"Ya'll definitely can't touch me okay." Stinky said, raising his voice over Jack Jack, Kory and Tay's laughter, that filled the room.

Stinky was definitely a sight tonight. He wore a nice white turtle neck, khaki shorts, and white air forces. He had a nice silver chain and bracelet, with earrings. His little waves gave it an extra umfff. I liked it.

"You cute baby." I said, applauding him.

"Legend, you don't count. Thats like mom saying you looked good with Binoculars as glasses." Tay said, sticking the middle finger at Stinky. "I got it in the bag." Tay said, staring at himself in the mirror.

Stinky walks over to Tay, placing both hands on his shoulders and looks into the mirror.

"Stick with Ming tonight, because my outfit stealing the show tonight." Stinky calmly said. He pats his shoulders and walks off.

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