Chaoter 6: We Good

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It's been awhile now since I've been sitting outside. There wasn't much to do but take in the scenery of my surroundings. I accidentally left my phone at home on the floor, how fucking dumb am I huh. The boys were exchanging words through the mics, trying to grasp a solid plan on how to save Jack Jack.

I over hear Stinky saying he'd found an opening. A window that lead to the basement he said. From the distance I could see Tay and then Kory running around back. After that everything went silent, and I was waiting once again.

"I think- Wait. I see Jack Jack." Tay said.

A gun cocks in the background

"They rolling deep in here man. About eleven heads in here." Tay added as well.

"I see him too. Man they did him dirty." Kory said.

There was nothing but constant moving and rustling in my ear. Then there was silence, followed by background voices speaking. I assume it's the other men. Their voices grew faint, thats when Kory whispered "they left. I'm going to get him."

Silence overcame the sound piece again.

"Hey man, we here to get you out of here." I hear Kory saying.

"You got him!! Alright, get him to the basement" Stinky added.

"It's all clear out here." I thought I'd contribute a little.

"Thanks, we about to come out now." Tay answered back.

A few minutes pass and I see the four of them coming from around back, heading towards where I'm positioned. I'm glad Jack Jack is finally out of this situation. When they finally got closer I saw someone come out from the warehouse.

"Guys someone is coming o-" POP POP POP the loud sounds interrupted me.

Without a second thought, nor a hesitant move, we all darted into the woods, and there was more gun shots being fired wildly at us. I literally was running for my life at this moment. Running past tree branches and logs, scratching at my legs, arms, and face. My mind couldn't keep up with my leg's instinct to run, and I couldn't stop them if I wanted to.

I ran and ran and ran my mind not processing if the others were behind me or not. A street light emerged at the end of the tree line, that I was quickly approaching. I let out a small sigh, not even bothering to catch a breath.

"Keep going Keep GOING!!" Tay screamed from a fair distance.

The street light became closer and closer

Finally I could rest and catch my breath. Placing both my hands on my knees, heaving for the fresh air to penetrate my lungs. Soon followed the rest of the crew and they were pretty banged up as well. Stinky had cuts all over, Tay was bleeding from his leg, Kory's face was cut up, and Jack Jack was bruised all over from the beating he got.

Silence overcame all of us, I could hardly hear natures soothing sound that it gave at night. Kory began laughing which started off as a chuckle, and grew more into a hysterical laugh. I assume he was in shock and all I could do was pat him on his back. Tay teared up a little and Jack Jack was in his own world. I guess this experience was new for them.

"I can't believe we pulled that off" Kory announced, before his attention was cut short by a car's headlight from the distance.

We all caught on and immediately ran to a random neighbor's backyard. The car's engine could be heard riding by slowly. I could feel Tay's hand squeezing onto mine. As much as he's done before, this definitely topped everything.  After what felt like hours, we all headed back to Stinky's place.


Everyone was passed out sleep in the usual places they all slept, when spending the night at Stinky's. As for me and Stinky, we both stood hugged up against one another in the shower. I held on tightly to him, squeezing the back of his shoulders, burying my face into his chest. His arms were wrapped around the center of my back, as he rested his chin on my shoulder. No words were said and they didn't need to be.


The next morning was better since we got another day to live. We all sat at Stinky's dinner table, each of us eating a bowl of cereal.

"Jack Jack, what happened?" I questioned him. Looking straight in his direction waiting for him to lift his head up.

"Damn man shit just popped off and you asking that now" Kory blurted out with annoyance in his tone.

"I got shot at because of ya'll, you damn right I want to know" I snapped back instantly.

"Nah nah he good." Jack Jack said to my rescue. "A fuck boy, Charlie, owed me money but he kept playing around. One day I confronted him in front of his boys and He played me off. So I followed him and his crew to their warehouse, since I knew they gang had money flowing in. It was suppose to be a quick snatch and go, but some man caught me."

"Well how were you able to contact Tay and them?" I pushed more, to know every detail.

"I texted Kory what I was up to" Jack Jack started

But Kory interrupted him "Which I said to wait, so he'd have back up"

Jack Jack rolled his eyes. Shit if Kory was down to rock, I don't know why Jack Jack ain't wait.

"Anyways, when I followed them from Mike's Deli to the warehouse, I texted Kory that if I took more than ten minutes to call then some shit was up." Jack Jack finished.

I shook my head in disbelief that things really popped off like this. It bothered me to see Tay shake with such fear. He was good now as if nothing happened. Kory was being a little bitchy and Stinky was just same ol Stinky. Our nerves were sent through the roof, and us snapping on one another wasn't something to take serious. We're just drained.

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