Chapter 10

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The next day, the gang had put Rita and Moe's money to good use. The money really went a long way, as almost the whole town was redone. Mr Giles was even able to get an update to his library. 

All thanks to Beethoven and the world's greatest detective solvers. 

"Nothing like being a good citizen" Kali smiled proudly, having helped this little run down town. 

"Like, you said it" Shaggy agreed with the adventure girl. "Especially since they rewarded us with a life-time supply of Quicksilver's finest hamburgers"

"Mmm, ramburgers" Scooby licked his chops, being the happiest he's ever been. 

But now it was time for the gang to head back home. 

They arrived down at the bus station all together and would wait until the bus arrived. 

That's when Kali and the Mystery Inc gang smiled once they saw the Mystery Machine being brought over, good as new. 

"Hey! Look at that?" Fred laughed, being happy the most that his van was finally fixed. "She's never looked better"

Julie soon arrived in her brand new police cruiser. 

"Thought I wouldn't make it in time" She told the gang. 

"I don't think so. In that baby?" Freddie said, referring to her new police cruiser. "475 horsepower, 0 to 60 in 4.8 seconds"

"She's a beauty alright" Julie admitted, coming over towards the gang. "And I have two good-looking, courageous treasure-seekers to thank"

"Well..." Freddie started. 

But Julie bent down in front of Scooby and Beethoven, referring to them. 

"Don't I, Beethoven? Scooby? You're my heroes" Julie said to the dogs, giving them both kisses. "Thanks for the police cruiser"

"Raww, rucks" Scooby blushed.  

"I suppose Beethoven and Scooby did it all by themselves, huh?" Freddie said, pretending to sound a little jealous. 

"I'll thank you at dinner tonight" Julie smiled to Freddie, implying to the gang that Freddie and Julie would be going out on a date. 

The bus soon came into town and pulled up in front of the gang. 

"Oh, boy. Here it comes" Freddie said. "It's official, I guess. Our little party's over" 

"Come on gang. We better be hitting the road too" Fred told the rest of the mystery gang as he got into the Mystery Machine. 

Sarah gave back Garrett his Peruvian crystal, until Beethoven suddenly ate it. But that's when Garrett revealed the truth, admitting that the crystal wasn't really a ghost protector... It was rock candy. 

"I knew it!" Velma just had to say about the Peruvian crustal being a fake all along. 

"Like, can we try some of that?" Shaggy asked Garrett, as he and Scooby both wanted to try some of Garrett's rock candy. 

"Not bad" Beethoven admitted after he burped from eating the Peruvian crystal which was really rock candy. 

Sarah of course was a bit mad at Garrett for lying to her, but then smiled to him saying she'd get over it. 

The gang then all said their goodbyes to each other. 

Kali came up to Beethoven. "I'll miss you, Big B" She told the big slobbery st bernard, calling him by his nickname she'd given him. 

"Hey, kid. This isn't the end" Beethoven told the adventure girl. "And who knows, maybe the next time you see me I'll be a movie star or something" 

"Don't push your luck, buddy" Kali chuckled, giving Beethoven one last hug before she climbed into the Mystery Machine with the rest of the gang. 

Scooby also said goodbye to Beethoven, saying the next time they'd meet they'd have a competition at who was the fastest eater. 

Sarah had asked her uncle if she could make reservations at Camp Freddie next summer, but he said that would depend whether or not she'd be beating him at poker.  

Beethoven soon whined, thinking Freddie had forgotten about him. 

"Yes, you can come too" Freddie told the st bernard. "But you got to work on that drooling thing"

"No promises on that!" Beethoven barked happily. 

"Come on, Beethoven" Sarah called to her dog. 

"Like, you too, Scoob" Shaggy called to his dog.  

Both dogs soon got into their designated vehicles and took off with their human companions, while Freddie, Garrett and Julie waved goodbye to them. 

"I'm going to miss Beethoven and the others" Kali sighed with a small smile as the gang began driving out of town. 

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually going to miss this town" Daphne said. "As bizarre as it is"

"Yeah, me too" Kali agreed. 

"You said it" Shaggy and rest of the gang all added. 

The gang continued smiling while they were leaving Quicksilver. That is until they saw a familiar white Pomeranian and her redhead owner. 

"Duck, quick! It's Babycakes!" Daphne warned the others. 

But it was too late as the Mystery Machine already passed by and Scooby and Babycakes spotted each other, barking at each other. 

"Too late" Kali said, before sighing to Scooby. "Scooby..."

Babycakes soon jumped out of Evie Kling's bag and began chasing after the Mystery Machine. 

"Babycakes, why?" Evie complained to her pampered little dog. "No, please, Babycakes, that is not how a lady acts" 

Daphne smiled, chuckling a little. "Looks like somebody's going to miss you, Scooby" 

"So, do you guys think now that Quicksilver's a little richer it'll be any less weird?" Velma asked the rest of the gang. 

"Nope" They all replied. 

"Like, not in a million years" Shaggy mentioned. 

"I don't think so either..." Kali smiled, as the gang continued on their way home. 

"Scooby Dooby Doo!" Scooby howled happily, before winking to the readers as the story was now over. 


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