Chapter 9

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The gang was thrilled to have finally found the money and were ready to hit the road. 

But strangely, there was a problem with Freddie's truck. The engine was failing to start. 

"What's this? A mechanic whose truck won't start?" Garrett joked.  

"Now that's a first" Kali mentioned. 

"Like, you said it" Shaggy agreed with his niece. 

"Reah" Scooby nodded. 

"Better check it out" Fred suggested.

Freddie got out of the tuck, followed by the others and came up to the front to see what the problem was. 

"I'm sure it's just something minor" Velma said. 

Freddie then opened the hood, seeing exactly what the problem was. 

"What's going on?" Sarah asked her uncle, coming over. 

"Oh, man" Freddie looked to see his truck wires had apparently been cut by someone. "It looks like we're going to need a ride out of here" 

A few minutes later Freddie had called Julie up, asking her to come and get them. But there was a bit of a bad connection. 

The gang looked to each other awkwardly while they listened to Freddie's conversation with Julie and waited until Freddie hung up the phone. 

"Julie's on her way" Freddie told the others. 

"Good" Sarah said. 

"That's a relief" Fred added. 

"I think..." Freddie furthered. 

"So is that bad?" Daphne asked, confused. 

Suddenly, Beethoven started howling and barking uncontrollably. Scooby looked more scared than brave this time. 

"Uh, oh" the gang thought as they looked to each other worryingly.  

"He only does that when-" Sarah started.  

"He hears ghosts!" Kali, Garrett and the rest of the Mystery Inc gang all said at the same time.

Beethoven then suddenly took off down the hill, heading back towards the mine shaft while the gang chased after him. 

"Beethoven, come back!" Sarah and Kali both called to the st bernard. 

"Beethoven, where do you think you're going?" Scooby's gang said while they chased after him.

"No, boy, no" Sarah called to her dog. "Come back! Beethoven!"

The gang all chased after Beethoven right back into the mine. 

"This is getting out of hand. We've got to wait for Julie" Freddie told the others before following them. 

"Like here's an idea" Shaggy started. "Why don't we not go back inside the creepy mine?"

But the gang didn't seem to have much of a choice as they came in with the others and Beethoven was standing in front of all of them. 

"Come on, you guys" Sarah told the others. "There's something in here"

"Guys! We hit the mother load!" Beethoven said to the gang as he saw the red lights and started howling again. 

Everyone gasped as they saw the red lights, and more importantly... the ghosts!

"It's the ghosts" Sarah gasped. "It's Rita and Moe!" 

The gang stayed back in fear as the ghosts were coming right towards them. Beethoven growled as he decided to run towards the ghosts and attack them. No ghosts were going to hurt his friends. 

Scooby Doo and Beethoven's Ghostly Treasure MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now