Chapter 4

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That night, the gang decided they needed to investigate and had gone out into the woods in search of the money. 

The others all bailed out of the car, coughing in disgust while Shaggy gave a satisfied smile. 

"Shaggy, you couldn't wait until we got outside?" Daphne asked him sarcastically.  

"Hey, like, it wasn't me man. It was Scooby Doo and Beethoven" Shaggy defended himself, obviously lying.  

"Roh sure, rame the rogs!" Scooby gave a deadpanned glare at his owner. 

"Next time I get the front, okay?" Sarah looked to Garret, irritated that she had to ride in the back on the way. 

"It's just as creepy up front" Garret told her. 

"You think it's creepy now, you should've seen it when they brought it in" Freddie mentioned about the hearse car they had driven to get here. "Come on"

Everyone got out of the car and gathered around with their flashlights. 

"Well, we better get searching" Kali instructed the gang. 

"Ruh uh, ro way!" Scooby refused, being too scared to search for the money in the creepy dark of night. 

"Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne asked, knowing the great dane couldn't say no to that.

"Rokay!" Scooby agreed and gobbled up the Scooby snack Daphne offered him, giving a much satisfied smile. "Relicious!" 

"Can I try one?" Beethoven asked curiously. Kali then gave the st bernard a Scooby Snack. 

"Mmmm, they're sweet" Beethoven seemed to enjoy the Scooby Snack.  

"Those are just the honey-filled flavored kind" Kali told her st bernard friend. "Wait until you try the spicy nacho flavored kind"

The gang was now officially ready to start their search. 

"Okay, Beethoven" Freddie said, taking out the Jackson dollar bill and put it in front of the st bernard's and Scooby's noses. "You and Scooby get a good whiff of this ten-spot and you guys lead us to its little brothers and sisters"

Beethoven sniffed the dollar bill, quickly getting the scent and took off, followed by Scooby. "Got it, lets roll!"

"Rollow rus!" Scooby told the gang, leading the way. 

The eight humans began following the two giant-sized dogs through the dark forest. 

"Why are we going at night again?" Sarah asked the gang, still confused. 

"So no one will see us looking for the money" Fred replied. 

"It's quite common, actually" Velma explained. "We do it all the time whenever we're solving mysteries" 

"I sure wish we didn't have to" Daphne mentioned, hating those times since she'd most likely get kidnapped. 

"Yeah, like, I second that" Shaggy agreed, shivering a little as he stayed close to the others. 

"Oh, come on guys" Kali told her aunt and uncle figures, because they were suppose to be brave like they have been before.

The gang continued their searching with Beethoven and Scooby until they ran into one of the locals, Stu, who was supposedly out for a walk... at night... with a metal detector?

This of course made the gang have that suspicion. 

"I got a bad feeling about this, guys" Fred said to the others.  

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