Chapter 8

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Meanwhile somewhere in the woods late that night, a man had just parked his car in the middle of the woods and came out to the back.

In the back was a tarp, covering up something. The man removed it, revealing to be Scooby with a rope tied around his neck and a muzzle over his face. The great dane was quite frightened. 

"It's your moment of truth, mutt" The man said to Scooby, revealing to be none other than Harold Herman.

He then took out something he had wrapped away in his pocket... the Jackson ten dollar bill!

"My ticket out of this dump" Harold sighed while he looked at the old but rare bill. "I loathe this place"

He then showed the bill to Scooby. "See this? Get a whiff of that cash. Smell that? You smell that? That's what we're going to find tonight, alright?" 

"Now listen. You take me to that cash or I'll bury you right here" Harold threatened, ordering Scooby out of the truck. "Come on!"

Scooby Doo whimpered as he got off the truck and started doing as Harold said. 

"Yeah! Keep it up. Don't lose it now. I've been dreaming about this day" Harold told Scooby. 

"You know you can't even get a decent latte in this rathole?" Harold began complaining. "Just keep going. Come on"  

Harold kept going, not paying attention until he almost ran into a tree branch. 

"Whoa! What the?..."

"You think you're smarter than me?" Harold glared at Scooby. "Listen, you can't fool me, alright?"

"Now come on!" He ordered while he continued griping. "Wasting my life in a town where the yokels think a Twinkie is a French pastry"

Scooby soon seemed to stop in his place for some strange reason. Harold turned back, seeing that the great dane wasn't moving an inch. 

"Who said you could take a break?" He asked Scooby annoyingly, then continued walking along by himself. 

That's when he made a mistake...

Suddenly, Harold was scooped up into the air, getting caught in Cora's trap net hanging from the tree. 

Scooby started shaking at the rope that was tied around his neck, trying to get it off. But Harold still had a firm hold on the end of the rope. But after pulling, pulling, and pulling, Scooby finally got loose. 

"Sayonara" Scooby muffled through the muzzle on his snout as he ran away from Harold, not looking back. 

"Get back here!" Harold ordered Scooby, before hitting against the tree from swaying in the net. "Ow!" 


"Oh, poor Scooby. Poor us" Shaggy was crying and overacting a little that his buddy was still gone. 

"Don't worry, Uncle Shaggy" Kali put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him"

Shaggy then looked over to the gang, asking. "Hey, Fred, you got any snacks?"

"Snacks?" the blonde leader turned to him in question. 

"Yeah, Scoob and I would normally have our Midnight snack right about now" Shaggy explained. "So like, where are the snacks?"

Beethoven was then shown having just finished the last box of snacks as he burped. "Sorry"

"Shaggy, we got enough problems on our plate right now" Velma tried to explain. 

Scooby Doo and Beethoven's Ghostly Treasure MysteryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora