Chapter 7

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The next day, the gang was out getting ice cream while discussing all the suspects and clues they knew to the mystery money so far. 

Beethoven and Scooby both tried stealing Freddie and Shaggy's ice cream. 

"Hey like, paws off, Scoob!" Shaggy told his old pal. 

"Hey, hey, no, no, no. You already had yours" Freddie added, holding his ice cream away from the hungry st bernard. "No, no, no. This is mine"

"You know, everyone in town has a motive for stealing that money" Velma told the gang, as the gang began listing their suspects. 

"Phil owes everyone in town money" Fred started. "That gives him a motive"

"And it's obvious Owen doesn't believe in floods" Daphne explained. "He's probably been looking for the money all the time"

"And like, then there's Stu" Shaggy mentioned. 

"We know he'll do anything for money" Kali added. 

"And then, Evie Kling" Freddie commented. "Who can trust anybody with a dog that irritating?"

"And then there's Mr Giles" Sarah explained. "I mean, hoarding all those Rita and Moe books. And the day I tell him we have the Jackson ten-dollar bill, it's stolen. I mean, what's up with that?"

"True. Something's going on there" Garrett agreed. 

"You know what we need, guys?" Sarah told the gang. "We need a personal tour of that 'Special Collection room' of his"

"Agreed" the whole Scooby gang said. 

"I'll bet we can find some more clues" Velma mentioned. 

"And maybe our ten dollar bill" Kali added. 

"It's worth checking out" Daphne thought. 

"Okay, here's the deal" Freddie said to Beethoven. "When there's more of your drool than my ice cream in this bowl, it's yours. Do you want it?" 

He then gave the slobbery st bernard the rest of his ice cream bowl while Scooby sneakily stole the rest of Shaggy's ice cream cone. 

"Hey!" Shaggy looked annoyed at his hungry dog, once seeing that his ice cream was gone and Kali giggled a little to that. 

"You don't fool me with that coy thing" Freddie told Beethoven. "I saw you looking away pretending you didn't want it. I knew you wanted it"

A little while later, the whole gang was hiding out near the library spying on Giles and watched him leave. 

"Shh! There he is" Garrett pointed out. 

"12 noon. Just like clockwork" Freddie interpreted. "Giles goes for his chili burger and Rolaids" 

"Okay, let's go!" Fred told the gang, seeing that the coast was clear and they all ran over cautiously up to the front steps of the library. 

"Okay. Well, Julie would kill me if she saw me doing this" Freddie said while starting to jimmy the lock to get the door open. 

"Where'd you learn how to pick a lock?" Daphne asked him out of curiosity. 

"Ah, I used to be a locksmith" Freddie shrugged his shoulders. "Something like that" 

Freddie soon managed to get the door open and the gang quietly snuck inside. 

"Shh" Kali reminded everyone to be extremely silent just in case. 

"It's just up those stairs" Sarah told the others, pointing towards the staircase. 

"Okay, fine" Freddie said. "Nobody touch anything. No one can know we were here" 

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