Chapter 6

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The next day, Garrett took Sarah, Beethoven, Kali, Scooby, Shaggy and Velma down town because he wanted to show them the Quicksilver library. 

"So, you found nothing on the net?" Sarah asked Garrett as they walked together. 

"Nothing we didn't already know. That's why I thought we might have to approach it the old fashioned way" Garrett explained, as they came up in front of the library. 

"Like, it looks normal" Shaggy mentioned, viewing the outside of the building. 

"But then again, this is Quicksilver" Velma stated. 

"Yeah, what's the catch?" Kali asked Garrett, placing her hands on her hips. 

"Wait till you see inside" Garrett told them. 

The gang then walked up to the door, entering the old creepy library. 

"Like, if you ask me this place could use a bit of a fixer upper. Huh, Scoob?" Shaggy asked his dog while they had a look around. 

"Reah" Scooby nodded in agreement. 

"The building was donated by some lady who was a feline freak and the cats were part of the deal" Garrett explained. 

Beethoven and Scooby came up to get a closer look at the cats on the tables and book shelves. 

"What's up with these fur-balls?" Beethoven raised his eyebrow while sniffing the cats, noticing they weren't moving and were being completely stiff. 

"Eww, they're stuffed!" Sarah realized. 

"Yup" Garrett nodded. 

"Monster freaks" Kali muttered, never really liking the whole idea of animals being stuffed and displayed. 

"It creates an interesting atmosphere" Garrett explained. 

"Interesting isn't the word for it" Velma commented in sarcasm. 

"Yeah, I know" Garrett replied. "It's a very weird town"

"Like no kidding" Shaggy said, looking a bit disturbed by the stuffed cats. 

"Come on, Beethoven. Come on" Sarah told her dog, having to pull him away from the cats. 

"Come on, Scoob" Shaggy also had to forcefully pull Scooby away from the cats, with some help from Kali. 

"Rats..." Scooby growled, glaring at the cats even though they weren't real.  

The gang began searching through the book shelves to see if they could find any clues on the stolen money. 

"I don't understand how we'll find anything in this dump" Beethoven said to Kali, having never understood how books worked since he was a dog. 

"So far we've found nothing about the Seligs" Kali said. 

"We should check under 'bank robberies'" Velma suggested. "Maybe there'll be a chapter on Rita and Moe"

"Good idea" Sarah said.

"Looking for something?" a voice said and the gang looked up to see a creepy old man appear right in front of them.  

"Zoinks!" Shaggy yelped, being startled and clutched onto Velma who just gave the coward an annoyed look. 

"Mr Giles!" Garrett said, revealing this man to be the librarian. "We were just researching Rita and Moe"

"Rita and Moe" Mr Giles the librarian said. "Yes, every few years or so I get a little run on research about them. This week it's been like a stampede. Apparently some young girl, not a local found an interesting ten-dollar bill"

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