Chapter 2

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It's true, the gang was stuck out in the middle of who knows where. They couldn't even start the Mystery Machine as it was completely dead. 

"Way to go, Fred" Daphne said to her boyfriend again in sarcasm. 

"We go be stuck out here for days... months... years!" Shaggy realized but was starting to overact, crying with Scooby Doo. 

"Oh, come on you big babies" Kali couldn't help but say. "Just calm down"

"She's right" Velma spoke up, looking at the map. "According to the map, the nearest town is ten miles from here" 

"Wait a minute, there is no way we're pushing the van ten miles into town" Daphne told the others. 

But the rest of the gang all gave her that look. 

"No" Daphne said. 

Skip Scene~

The gang was seen pushing behind the back of the van while Scooby was up in the drivers seat keeping an eye on things. But he was mostly just enjoying the ride while the gang was doing all the hard work. 

"Like, Scoob, old buddy" Shaggy called. "Can you at least take your paw off the brake?" 

"Oh, I just had this cleaned" Daphne complained that her clothes were getting dirty. 

"Just shut up and push!" Kali said, getting irritated from all the complaining. 

Eventually, the gang made it into the town and looked up to see the town sign. 

"Quicksilver?" they all questioned while looking at the sign. "Where Mercury is King?" 

"Hmm, that's odd" Velma mentioned. "It doesn't say that on the map"

"Come on gang," Fred said. "Lets find someone in this town who can help us so we can get home"

The gang started pushing the van again while they searched through this odd town, asking the locals for help. 

"Excuse me!" Fred called out to one man who was passing by. "Do you know where we can mechanic around here?" he asked. 

The man seemed to laugh while the gang looked to each other confused, before the man spoke. 

"The only place around here that does that around here is the 'Towed-In Auto Care' just north from here" the man replied. "Look for Freddie Kablinski... The Grease Monkey" 

"Thank you" the mystery gang said. 

"Freddie Kablinski?..." Kali thought she'd heard that name from somewhere before. 

The gang soon started pushing the Mystery Machine again through town, until they came up to this house where the mechanic shop was right next to it. 

As they got closer up to the house, they saw a scruffy looking man and a young girl outside by the shop. 

Kali noticed something familiar about this girl and soon recognized her as...

"Sarah!" Kali called and couldn't believe it as she ran to the girl overjoyed, while the rest of the gang looked a little confused. 

This girl happened to be Sarah Newton, an old friend of Kali's from awhile back. 

"Kali?!" Sarah was surprised to see her, then hugged the tomboy as she ran up to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, it's a long story" the adventure girl replied to her old friend. 

The scruffy looking man then walked up to Sarah. "Who's your friend, Sarah?" he asked her curiously. 

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