Chapter 5

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The next morning was a bit of a hassle. Some of the gang members, including Sarah had nightmares and stuff about the ghosts last night and were questioning about it. 

The gang soon came into town for a casual ride, while also trying to stay low. But soon all the locals were greeting Scooby, calling out to him like he was a celebrity. 

"My, aren't you Mr Popular, Scooby" Daphne said to the cowardly great dane. 

"Maybe you ought run for mayor" Velma told Scooby. 

"Or President" Kali added. 

"Rank you! Rank you!" Scooby starting blowing kisses to his fans, acting all famous. 

Fred sighed. "Oh, brother. So much for laying low"

"Like, maybe I outta start drooling and people would wave at me" Shaggy mentioned annoyingly at how his dog was getting all the attention. Kali then laughed at her Uncle's joke. 

After driving through town with Scooby getting all this fame and attention, he, Shaggy and Kali went to the market to shop for some food. 

"Hey, wait! Like don't I get to buy anything here?" Shaggy asked as his dog dragged him along through the aisles. 

The gang continued shopping until they were coming up around a corner, but stopped once they heard what appeared to be this grouchy male voice. 

The trio hid while they listened to the male voice complaining about something, sounding upset. 

"I can't believe I'm wasting my life in this dump where the locals think a twinkie is a French pastry. You can't even get a decent latte in this rat hole!" the male voice complained. 

The three friends looked to each other, all thinking they had just found a new suspect even though they had no idea who it was. In hopes they'd find the money in time...

Later that evening, Beethoven was teaching Scooby how to be brave while Sarah and Garrett were talking together. 

"Look, just pretend that all your fears are something else" Beethoven told Scooby. "Something delicious, like... ice cream!" 

"Roh, ri don't know" the cowardly great dane was still unsure. 

"Well, what would you do if that was your owner at the mercy of those ghosts?" Beethoven then asked Scooby that important question. 

"Ri'd ro anything for Raggy" Scooby said, knowing how important Shaggy was to him. 

"Aw, like, Scoob" Shaggy felt touched. "Thanks, man"

"See Scooby Doo?" Kali came up and hugged the great dane. "You are brave"

"Rawww" Scooby Doo felt touched. 

Sarah had been talking to Garrett, saying how she was too scared to go out searching for the money again. But Garrett assured her they had all their maximum ghost protection this time, including a rock her gave her called the Peruvian crystal which was from the lost city of Machu Picchu. Garrett believed it could ward off ghosts but also protect whoever wears it from all danger, although Velma claimed she never heard of such a thing. 

But Garrett and the others were finally able to convince Sarah to go with them, even after trying the Scooby Snack trick. 

"Alright gang, lets go" Fred said to the others and they all headed out. 

The gang soon returned back into the woods that night to search for the money a second time. 

"Okay, Beethoven, Scooby, you two get a good whiff of this and then show us the money!" Freddie told the dogs, putting the dollar bill up in front of their noses.

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