Knowing How He Feels

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A/N: Well, it's been quite a while. Lots of stuff has happened, but I'm the only thing to blame for the lack of updates. I have more chapters of this story on my account, however, haven't really kept up with transferring all of them over. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this. Thank you to everyone who is still reading.

Disclaimer: Again, I do not own Inuyasha or the characters, so lawyers, leave me alone. The only things I own are the characters I come up with and Hikara-Sensei.

Kagome's P.O.V

I have been staying in the infirmary for about a week now. It's been a week since I came back into my body and I'm still wondering what I should do about the whole spiritual power thing. I've felt a bit more energized ever since I woke up. I don't know if that's from my new powers or from being able to rest more. I'm still trying to figure out how to explain to Inuyasha that I now have spiritual powers. Honestly, it feels like it was all just a dream. I was happy that no trouble had appeared as of yet unless you count Inuyasha and Koga fighting over who should be taking care of me. I needed time to figure stuff out and learn how this stuff worked.

No one has come to visit me yet today. Some of the other students have come by to visit and see how I'm doing. They give me the occasional strange glance but talk to me none the less. I think a few of them were just nervous. I mean with all that hate towards me, who wouldn't be? Some students glare and give me dirty looks when they come for medicine or just to relax. A lot of the students know I'm human and hate it. I'm just glad that there are actually a few that are at least somewhat nice to me. Some of the administrators have stopped by and said whether I'll be able to stay enrolled or not is still being decided. Until then, I'm to attend classes as normal. I'm a little surprised that Naraku hasn't tried come back after the whole battle thing. Inuyasha told me that after I was wounded, Naraku tried fighting with them, but some of the teachers banded together to stop the whole dilemma. They felt that I wasn't too much of a danger and all the commotion was uncalled for, especially when he went to the extreme of trying to execute me. I snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened. Sango walked in holding Tanoshii in her arms.

"Hey, Kagome. How are you feeling?"

I smiled thankfully at her as she sat down. Tanoshii jumped onto the bed and curled up next to me, meowing happily and nuzzling his head against me.

"Tanoshii! I haven't seen you in a while, little guy."

He started to purr as I pet his tiny head. As I continued to pet him, I looked up at Sango.

"Yes Sango, I'm fine. Do you know when I can be released? The nurse is out on an errand and hasn't been around so I couldn't ask her."

I missed hanging out with her and the rest of the gang. It was nice to just relax for a bit, but it got lonely without them there all the time to keep me company. She nodded, smiling at me.

"The nurse said that since you're all healed you can get out by tonight." She sighed as her eye twitched in irritation. "A lot of the students have been talking about you being human. They think you're here to ruin the school and all that stupid stuff."

She rolled her eyes. Then it hit me; I could tell Sango and ask for her advise! I mean she is a witch after all. She probably knows a lot more about this stuff than other people do.

"Hey, do you know of a priestess that goes by the name Midoriko?"

"Wha- Well yes. Why?"

"Sango, Can you keep a secret?"

She tilted her head, interested in my sudden announcement.

"Of course Kagome. You can tell me anything."

"Ok, well when I was unconscious, I woke up, but I was out of my body. I was confused and didn't know what was going on. After a few minutes, she appeared and told me that she had taken me out of my body to save me. Then, she proceeded to tell me she was going to pass on her spiritual powers to me. I don't know what to do... Do you know anything about spiritual powers?"

Sango's eyes widened in surprise and excitement.

"Midoriko? Do you mean the Midoriko?! She's one of the most powerful priestesses that ever lived! You are so lucky to have met her!"

I let her calm down a bit, taking in the new information. Midoriko was well known, wasn't she?

"Kagome, you're very fortunate. It was once said she would pass on her powers to one of her descendants through a dream."

I kept a straight face, slowly processing what she just said. Descendants... My mom had a lot of explaining to do.

"Wait, doesn't that mean she's an ancestor of mine?"

"Yes. If what you say is true, then you are. This is a big deal Kagome. Woah, you could seriously kick ass now."

I chuckled nervously, nodding at her last comment. I was nervous, to say the least. I had no clue how to control whatever powers Midoriko gave me. I know she said to go to the cave, but I was wary of that idea.

"Sango you don't get it." I put on a serious face. "I have no clue how to control them. What if I go berserk and seriously hurt someone? I mean she told me there was someone who could train me, but I don't know. She said it was in a cave. That sounds a little shady."

She got a serious look on her face too. "Hmm, Kagome, you're right. How about this? I'll go with you to that cave and we'll both check it out. It can't hurt to try. If it really is bad, we'll leave immediately and come back. I don't know too much on helping with spiritual powers, but if you do go berserk as you think, the others and I will all be here to help you."

She gave me a reassuring smile then slowly leaned closer grinning.

"Especially Inuyasha. After that almost kiss I walked in on, he's been thinking about something a lot."

She elbowed me in the stomach in a gentle way, winking at me.

"Maybe he's gonna ask you to be his girlfriend."

I looked down at Tanoshii and away from her, blushing red. "S-Sango, I don't know what you mean."

"You know exactly what I mean. Don't play coy! He looks at you in a loving manner, is overprotective when other men come near you, especially the ones that are interested, and he worries about you a lot more than the rest of us. He wouldn't leave your side the whole time you were unconscious, not even to shower or eat. If that's not love than I don't know what is. Plus, you definitely seem to return the feelings."

I half smiled at the information she had just revealed to me. I had a small hope that something might spark between us, and from the sound of it, something was.

"You really think he does? I mean, want to ask me to be his girlfriend?"

I pointed to myself with my thumb. I had a stupid grin plastered on my face and couldn't stop it from growing wider as time went on.

She grinned. "I don't think, I know so."

I started to pet Tanoshii on his head once again, occasionally rubbing his ears between my index finger and thumb. He seemed to like that because almost immediately, he started purring loudly.

"Well, if you're sure. I really want something to happen between us. Do you think I should tell him?"

"That's entirely up to you. If you feel confident enough then go for it! If you two don't do something soon, then I will." She grinned even wider.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy. Sorry, this chapter was so short. Now that I look back at it, I kind of feel like the ending is a bit abrupt. Oh well, I guess. Anyway, please leave a comment a let me know what you guys think. Thanks for sticking around this long. If you're new, thanks for reading!

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