Being Discovered

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A/N: Well hello everyone! How are you all? Another update. :D Aren't you happy? :) Anyway thanks for reading this far and I hope you enjoy this.

I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters, the only things I own in this story are Hikara-Sensei and any other character I come up with.

Kagome's P.O.V

I sat at the lunch table next to Kikyo, talking with her. It had been a few days since she had joined our school. She's grown pretty accustomed to everything and practically knows her way around. I still help her sometimes though. 

My stomach tied itself in a knot. I hadn't spent that much time with Inuyasha ever since she came, mostly because I was helping her get acquainted to everything. I frowned internally at this.

"Kagome, do you know if they have tutoring after school?"

"Uh, they do, but if you want, I can tutor you."

I really didn't mind tutoring anyone, even if it meant not being able to spend as much time with Inuyasha.

"Really, you would tutor me? Thanks."

She smiled a little then her smile grew into a serious expression.

"Do you like my brother?"

I choked on the food that was in my mouth at the time from the sudden question and slapped my chest, coughing as I looked at her, trying to gather myself.

"Ah, where is this coming from?"

I seemed to be able to get my words out through coughs here and there.

"Well I notice how sometimes you look at him differently, and I just had a feeling, that's all. I'm curious."

I looked around, carefully, to make sure Inuyasha wasn't near the table at the moment. I didn't see him anywhere close.

"Maybe... I'm not really sure exactly how I feel right at this moment."

"You should be careful. My brother can be, how do I say this, possessive. He's a blood thirsty vampire without that jewel on. So unless you can like that side as well, I suggest you keep whatever feelings you have to yourself and give it up."

She kept a monotone expression on and her voice cut the air like a knife, sharp and straight to the point.

"What do you mean I should 'give it up'? I like that side of him as well. I don't mind that he's vampire. I know he can be possessive and hard headed, not to mention stubborn as a mule, but he's protected me from danger so many times. He was one of my first friends here. I understand it could be dangerous, but I don't care about all that. I wouldn't be able to stay away if I wanted to anyway..."

I took a spoonful of mashed potatoes and quickly stuffed them in my mouth, nervously trying to keep my hand busy. I know she's his sister and that she's probably worried, but she should just leave my feelings for me to deal with. She audibly sighed and crossed her arms, looking as if she was thinking about something.

"I suppose you can try."

She had a glint of sadness in her eyes as she said this. I wonder why... She quickly let out a low breath and continued eating her lunch. We sat in silence for the rest of lunch.

Inuyasha's P.O.V

I walked into the lunch room just in time to hear Kagome tell Kikyo how she felt about me. Her answer made me feel uncertain and had my head spinning. Her saying she wasn't sure about how she felt wasn't exactly the answer I had wanted to hear. I sat down a little away from the two, listening a little more. Eavesdropping isn't something I usually do, but this topic was about me so I guess there was nothing wrong with it. I mean, who wouldn't wanna hear what others are saying about them? When Kikyo said that I was possessive, I frowned. I could be possessive sometimes, but is that a reason not to like me? Really? I gulped and waited for Kagome's response. Her words were gentle and understanding. They made me smile and eased some of the uncertainty I was feeling.

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