Care, From a Vampire?

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A/N: Oh my god, sorry for the wait everyone!

I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters. I only own Hikara-Sensei and whatever other characters I decide to add into here.

Inuyasha's P.O.V

I dove into the pool after Kagome, ignoring the sparks flying around me as I hit the water. I swam over, pulling her close to me, and swam like hell to get out of there. I jumped out in a blur and onto land. I looked down at Kagome, eyeing her for any other injuries and making sure she was still breathing. Thankfully, she still had a pulse.

"Inuyasha, what happened?"

Seems like she woke up already. She really was something else.

"You almost got made into that bastard's meal."

"R-really? I guess you're right... I am a trouble magnet." She gave me a weak smile.

"Keh, I'm always right wench. Now pull off the jewel, I want payback for having to get wet."

"Ah are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just do what I said."

She pulled off the necklace and I let my vampire side take over.

Kagome's P.O.V

I watched vampire Inuyasha jump off into battle. I stood up, shakily, and looked over at the rest of the boys. My eyes widened as I looked at Hojo; he looked different.

He had brown cat ears and a brown tail. He wore a choker with a bell on it that rang every single time he moved. He's a neko demon. That must be the reason that he doesn't like water.

"You're all going to pay for disturbing our dinner!"

Dai looked straight at me. Really now?

"Kagome is no one's dinner!"

I looked over at Inuyasha and noticed he was sparking. Oh my god, he must be hurting so much... and it's all because he jumped in the water to save me...

"For once I agree with you, blood-sucker."

Koga sped up and kicked one of the guys surrounding them, into a net.

"Now learn your place!" Inuyasha launched himself at Dai.

"Heh, did you forget? This is my territory."

Dai smirked and I noticed some of the water forming around him. This can't be good. "Water Slash!"

The water formed into the shape of a whip and Dai used it to hit Inuyasha.

He dodged the whip the best he could, but some of the water dripped onto part of his arm, causing him to spark a bit more.

"Inuyasha, stop it! You're only hurting yourself! Let someone else deal with him!"

He ignored me, keeping his eyes locked on Dai. If looks could kill, Dai would have been long dead.

"Don't get so cocky!"

Dai brought the whip up to push Inuyasha back, laughing in the process. I noticed Hojo slowly move closer. As soon as he got close enough, he sent Dai flying into a net with his claws.

"How the hell did a cat one up me?"

After finishing Dai off, they took care of the rest of the members who had attacked and quickly walked over to me.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Y-you guys really helped me out there."

I smiled softly then took a glimpse of Hojo and giggled.

"W-what's so f-funny Kagome?"

"I'm sorry Hojo, your demon form is just so adorable!"

His cheeks took on a pinkish hue.

"N-no it's fine. I get that from a lot of people..."

I heard the tinkling of a bell and saw him transform back into his human self.

Inuyasha came over to us. "You need to get stronger; I won't always be there to protect you. You caused both of us a great deal of pain today."

 More guilt started forming over the guilt I was already feeling. He must have been in so much pain!

He clicked the jewel back into place and turned back to human Inuyasha.

"Wench, you ok?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine. Are you feeling ok? I mean you had to go through all that trouble with the water and everything..."

"Keh, nothing I couldn't handle. Don't worry bout me. You need to worry about yourself."

I smiled slightly. I think Inuyasha really does care under all that toughness.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. :D Peace! ^.^

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