A Little Man to Man Talk

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A/N: Hello my lovelies ~! Omg, I'm sooooo sorry! I haven't updated it fricken long and I know it! I feel so bad! I have no excuse, like seriously. Really sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Inuyasha's P.O.V

A few days later...

I can't believe Kikyo showed up here. Does mother really think I'm that careless? I growled to myself and huffed out a small breath. She wasn't even Kikyo's mom... Miroku probably saw my frustration because he gave me a sympathetic look and walked over to pat my back.

"You ok? You look kind of annoyed."

"Cause of Kikyo. My mother always does this. She always sends Kikyo to keep an eye on me. I'm old enough to take care of myself."

I sighed, ever since Kikyo had arrived, Kagome's attention has been put towards helping her. I missed talking to Kagome like we used to.

"Something on your mind?"

"Keh, it's none of your business."

He sighed, "Inuyasha, I want to help you. You've been getting annoyed really easily lately. I mean, I know you don't like the idea of your sister being here, but that can't be the only thing going on."

How the hell does he know these things?

"I told you, it's about my sister and that's it."

"Inuyasha, it can't just be your sister, now talk. I want to hear what's going on in that head of yours. Penny for your thoughts?"

He held up a coin with one of his stupid grins resting on his face. I rolled my eyes, finally deciding to give up.

"Fine... Kikyo's not the only one on my mind. Kagome's there too."

He snickered, throwing the coin in the air and catching it in the palm of his hand.

"I knew it! Are you having a problem with her spending less time with you or something? I mean, she has been busy helping Kikyo get settled in and you've just been looking from the side like a lost puppy who's owner left."

"Hey! Who you callin  a puppy?!"

He chuckled, walked over to his desk, and picked up a picture of him and Sango.

"You know, if Sango ever did that to me, I'd be pretty lost as well. She is the woman I plan to marry after all."

He came back and sat down next to me.

"Inuyasha, I know you and Kagome have a special connection. I can tell that you really like her in a 'more than a friend' way."

My eyes went wide. What? Wait, wait, wait, I do sort of like Kagome, but not as anything more than a friend. I quickly shot down his idea of me liking her in any other way.

"You don't know what you're saying Miroku. I like her as a friend, nothing more."

"Inuyasha, you're protective over her, you love to get her riled up, and you look at her in a different way than you look at anyone else. I see the way you look at her when you think no one's watching. I know you like her as more than a friend. I've been there."

He gestured to the photo in his hand. "With Sango."

"That doesn't mean a thing. She's a close friend, nothing more to me."

Could I really like her? I mean, she was my first friend, but still. She was just a close friend.

"Keep telling yourself that. You'll realize your feelings sooner or later. Believe me, at first, I didn't even think I liked Sango either, and yet, here I am, falling in love with her more and more every single day."

I looked away, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Keh, stop with all the mushy crap. I'd think I'd know if I liked her or not, which I don't."

Or would I? I have no clue what I'm feeling. I'm so confused. Damn, Miroku's words were really getting to me. My leg twitched up and down like it usually did when I was agitated or nervous. Habit of mine I guess.

"We all do. It just takes a while to realize how you actually feel and when you do, I bet you'll want Kagome more than ever."

I sighed and looked back at him.

"Keh, and what if I do like her?"

He laughed.

"So you did realize. Just some advice, don't let others get between you two. You two go so well together. Don't let anyone else ruin that."

He smirked, pausing for a minute.

"I bet Kagome's talking about you right at this moment too."

"I said it as an if! It ain't nothing more than that!"

He snickered. "Sure it is."

"At any rate, she probably doesn't even like me Miroku. I'm probably just a friend."

"You never know Inuyasha, you never know. Don't jump to any conclusions before doing anything."

He got up and walked over to his bed.

"I'm going to go to sleep. School is going to be tiring, as always."

"Ok night. I'll stay up for a little bit longer."

I looked over to make sure he had gotten into bed. Then, I walked over to my window and looked over at the window connected to Kagome's dorm room. I saw her sitting down, at her desk, studying for tomorrow's history test. The window was open so her raven black hair blew in the small breeze. Her ivory skin was illuminated by the moonlight, making it seem as if she were glowing as she looked over her notes. It was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. She looked up, noticing I was looking her way, and smiled, waving like always.

I waved back and decided to open up my window.

"Oi, aren't you up a little late wench? You need rest."

She giggled and smiled.

"I'll go to bed in a bit. I just want to study a bit more. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Whatever you say wench. Goodnight."

I closed my window, changed into my pajamas, and laid down in my bed. I like Kagome huh? Well this is something new. Maybe liking her wouldn't be so bad. Of course, I'll never admit it.

A/N: Hey. So how was it? Feedback please, please, please.  Comments are ALWAYS welcome! Oh and again, sorry for the long wait! I had fun writing this chapter. x3 Hehe, hope you guys enjoyed. Thanks for reading! See you next time. Inulover1 out!

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